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Jessica walked thoughtfully with her head held high in front of Agent Reynolds and Richard. The Driver noticed that they were approaching and tossed his cigarette on one of the low shrubs that decorated the entrance to the Highgate Cemetery. Jessica approached the rear passenger door, and the Driver opened the door for her. She got inside quietly.

Richard walked to the other side of the large B.M.W. and sat behind the Driver seat. Agent Reynolds sat on the passenger seat. The Driver got behind the wheel and reached for the key that was already inserted in the ignition.

"Where to?" The Driver asked.

Agent Reynolds glanced back at Jessica, and then at Richard.

"Westminster Abbey?" Richard suggested.

Agent Reynolds nodded and the driver turned on engine of the B.M.W.

"Seat belts, please."

Jessica touched the Driver's left shoulder and smiled.

"When I get to Buckingham Palace, I will hire you to be my personal driver. So far you have driven genuinely safe."

The Driver smiled and turned to Jessica.

"Ma'am, thank you for your consideration, but the reason why I mentioned about the seat belts it is because if we don't wear them, the radio is going to turn off. Otherwise, I wouldn't care."

Jessica sat back in her seat.

Well, then!

They started moving on Swain's Lane going north.

"Agent Reynolds?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"Did Richard's Mother take blood samples of the body in the casket?"

"Ma'am, we are uncertain of what procedure took place.

We don't have any results back from the laboratory. We will keep you informed throughout this week."

"Thank you."

Jessica recognized that they were traveling on Highgate Road.

"May I ask you a question Richard?"

"You can ask me anything."

"When were you planning to tell me about this scandal of the Royal Family if nothing had happened in Washington D.C?"

"I honestly don't know."

They passed under a Railroad bridge and approached the intersection of Highgate Road and Wesleyan Plane. Jessica kept glancing out the window, and then looked ahead through the windshield.

"Are you looking for something?"

"I am! Actually." She tapped the Driver shoulders. "Could you slow down a little please?"

The Driver let go of the gas pedal.

Jessica started studying the pedestrians on the sidewalk. There were at least twenty kids crowding the sidewalk.

We must be near!

The Driver kept moving forward.

Here is the meat place where they sell Brazilian Specialty cut Sirloin...

The gas station...

She observed that there were a lot of graffiti spray on supermarket doors, and walls.

Then, she spotted what she was looking for!

Two tall black guys.

One was wearing a Classic Sport Jacket with a Turtleneck. The other was wearing a button down shirt, bow tie and a vest. Jessica pointed out the windshield, to their right.

"There!" She yelled. "Stop on the curb near those two guys that are sitting under that big oat tree."

The Driver pulled to the curb. Jessica started fumbling with the contents inside of her purse.

"Why do you want us to stop here? Who are those guys?"

"I will explain later."

She observed the Driver placing the B.M.W. in park, and prepared to open the driver door.

"Sir, you stay here, I will go alone."

She finished writing something on a piece of paper, and then sealed with an envelope she had found it inside of her purse. Opening the rear passenger door, she stepped out of the B.M.W. and approached both men. They both were caring a notepad under their arms.

"Good evening."

They stopped with their conversation and looked at Jessica. One of them looked at Jessica with mild interest.

Richard kept observing Jessica through the rear passenger window while shaking his head.

What is she doing?

"I read an article on the Newspaper about two Africans who have been running a free school under that bridge for nearly three years to approximately thirty students." She turned to one of them. "I recognized your photograph from the one I saw on the newspaper."

The man stepped forward. "Yes, Ma'am." He furrowed his brows in concentration and spoke in a heavy Nigerian accent.

"I felt truthfully inspired after I read that newspaper article. While you are teaching these kids basic Math on a black board that has been severely damaged by the rain, other students have their College tuition paid for by the Government and nearly fifty percent of them don't attend classes."

"Some of these kids are the future of this Country. It is a shame for us not to guide them, and inspire lives. After all, they don't have anyone to look after. They live in the streets. Most of them don't even have parents."

Jessica nodded and stretched out her arm. The man looked down and saw an envelope in her hand.

"Hang on to this. But don't open it yet."

"What is this?" the man took the envelope. His partner approached and looked over his shoulder with furrowed brows.

"You will find out soon." Jessica got ready to walk back to the B.M.W. "But please, do not open until later. Maybe tomorrow."

Both man nodded. Jessica turned and took the few steps to the idling car at the curb.

"Excuse me, ma'am?"

Jessica stopped and looked back at them. "Yes."

"Who are you? What is your name?"

"I am a concerned Citizen, and I'm Ms. Lockhart."

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