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    I didn't like the way they were talking about her. 

     "Really I think she's cute"

"She's so hot"
    "If I talk to her do you think I'll get her number"

   The words kept swarming in my head leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. I didn't like it. Why was she suddenly getting so much positive attention. Most especially from the opposite sex. What exactly was that blind girl trying to prove by dying her hair!.

   She's so full of herself, saying she doesn't want my attention but look at what she's doing now.

  Ugh. I can't stand this.

I need to say something

If I don't who knows what will happen, she might shorten her skirt next. Plus I'm pretty sure this goes against school policy. As her fellow student and classmate it is imperative that I tell her she's doing the wrong thing and could be punished for it.

   "Hey blind girl what's with the commotion"

   That doesn't sound right

"Are you trying to get attention"


"You didn't need to without the hair you already stick out like a sore"

   I didn't mean that

"I bet you're happy now that the guys are checking you out"

   I sound like a dick

"That's what you wanted right"

    Why is it so bitter

She grabbed my neck. How could someone so small be so strong

"Damian Wayne. Are you looking to die"

           Maybe I am

       "I told you I'd kill you if you talked shit about me again, didn't I ?"

          Her face was so close to mine. Her crystal eyes were revealed under that beautiful Raven hair with things of purple. It made her look dangerous and unruly different from her usual prim self. If I had died that moment I would have gone to heaven or hell. I' had a feeling she'd drag me there.

      "I'm going to end you Wayne"

                Please kill me
She clenched her fist

   "Hey Raven did anyone ever tell you how pretty you"

   Those words

The touch of pink on her cheeks

Her eyes that glowed

   That was the beginning of it all. Of everything.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 21, 2023 ⏰

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