IWDTLY (A Draco Malfoy Love Story) ... 25

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So I’m just the laziest person you’ve never met: Hola folks! I haven’t been too lazy really. Just busy. I’ve had Driver’s Training after school for the last few days and that’s caused me to upload rather pointless stuff such as Things That’ll Make You Giggle, which I actually very much enjoy finding/thinking up/and randomly construct all that goes on there. It’s humorous. This will probably be a filler chappie. So to speak, I’m rather blocked on this story but I’ll still be uploading every few days or so in case I get an awesome idea.

I Was Dared to Love You (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)

Chapter 25: Meet the Crowd, Learn Their Ways

            There was that awkward moment where I looked at Devon as Devon looked at Draco, who was staring at me, as my mom stared at him, as I was being stared at by my dad. Draco was basically this big pink elephant in a house full of small green mice. In a way, he didn’t fit our equation. Suddenly, Devon cleared his throat and walked swiftly, rounding around Momma Mouse, to the laundry room which was next to the kitchen. He quickly came back and smacked a pair of ‘my lollipop is cherry flavored’ boxers on Draco’s head before sitting down next to my dad on the couch. The familiar noises of a sports game on TV and the beep-beep of the oven alarm made my heart pound. Momma Mouse was about to explode, but in that quiet manner that scared the bejesus out of the whole Jesperson family, plus its neighbors.

            “Oh! And who would this be, Violet dear?” my mother was able to say passed that angered hesitation that clearly stated my second butt was to be roasted later. My mother was the no-boys-are-to-borrow-my-daughter’s-quill type. As in, come within a foot of me you’re going to get bitch slapped, 80s style. Cynthia Marie Jesperson just couldn’t stand hormonal teenage boys at all, especially magical ones. She wasn’t pro-magic so to speak but she wasn’t against magic either. I’d let her watch MoonScape with me last Christmas Break and she dubbed Zayn, who was the seductive warlock who captured the damsel’s soul through his shrewd ways, the role model for every wizard in the entire universe. Which let me say, isn’t a good thing. He wasn’t necessarily the good guy, if you catch my drift. And Zayn, poor, poor Zayn, in all his ab-glory, was banned from the household.

            “Violet! Are you listening to me!” Clearly not, mother. But I could hardly point that out, now could I? So I stared at her in an innocent fashion before saying:

            “Yes ma’am, I am. And this is Draco Lucius Malfoy. He’ll be staying here for break, is that okay?” I gave my mother my classic Look. She knew it; the just-this-once-I’ll-even-do-Devon’s-laundry-for-the-week-if-you-say-yes look. And my mother, she was also the type to never, never, give up the opportunity to avoid Devon’s several boxer shorts and his ‘work-out’ undershirts. Slowly, the dark brunette woman nodded and smile brightly at Draco. He blinked a bit and gave an uneasy is-she-going-to-blind-me eye twitch over to me while fixing the boxers to not cover one of his gray eyes. I gave a small laugh and shoved him down the nearest hallway before much else could happen. My parents both began muttering about “teenagers these days” and how “society is so loose nowadays.” Sometimes, I swear, they are like old people.

            Oh wait, they are.

            “So, uh, those are the ‘rents,” I say ever stupidly as I swerve towards the first door on the right. A bright yellow door with the words Guest Room in swirly white lettering is written clearly on the front. This was my dad’s doing. He likes order. And order even compensates color coding my underwear as much as it pains me to admit. “This’ll be your room,” I pointed to it and watch as he swung it open. The contrast between the black walls and the yellow bedding and curtains shocked me for a moment.

            “Mom redid it last month.” I screamed as the sudden voice in my ear scared the living daylights out of me. Twirling around, I begin smacking my older brother’s chest, in vain of course. His laughing didn’t help my ego either. As I was going for another punch he grabbed my hand and slid a sock that had ‘left foot’ printed repeatedly in neon colors. Giving another laugh he grabbed my other hand and shoved the ‘right foot’ sock on my other hand.

            I seriously wish my family was normal.

-------| Draco’s POV |-------

            I have a pair of another male’s boxer shorts … on my head. Does anyone else find that incredibly bizarre or is that just me? I’d expected a high strung, up your butt 24/7, annoying set of parents and a crude, ignorant, younger sibling. What do I get instead? A psycho mujer practically glaring daggers at me! And a sports game blaring in my ear as I read boxer shorts on people’s heads! Then came along Devon and shoved a pair of knee-high socks on Violet’s hands … this family isn’t normal!

            What in the bloody burning pumpkins have I gotten myself into?

            “Violet?” I was able to mutter as we both stared into the room that was to mine for the next two weeks.

            “Yeah?” she whispered back.

            “I’m a bit frightened.”

            All she did was nod.


Chapter 26: Mrs. Jesperson, You Hate Me, But Will You Pass The Peas? or Chapter 26: "Don't Worry, I Didn't Posion It. Much."?

Hope you liked it!

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Love and fireworks,


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