Chapter 3: The Teasing Game

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~The Next Day~

I arrive to his class on time, seeing how busy he is I simply greet him with a polite but sweet smile to which he nods with a slight grin, followed by me going to sit in the front row since Nobara betrayed me so she could spend a prolonged weekend with Maki. Lil bitch. Meaning I have to be alone for several days. God, I'd skip classes too if this mofo wasn't so good looking... Anyway back to my day, I chose to sit in the first row, I pull out of my bag my notes and my only pen I carry with me and get ready to listen to that deep, cold but also hot voice of professor Nanami. After a while, I was just looking in my notes tiredly, resting my head in the palm of my hand, occasionally chewing on the end of my pen, thinking hard on how to solve the current problem using the new taught formula. But the sound of a pen falling breaks my train of thought, making me look up from my sheets, with the pen still resting on my bottom lip. I look up just to be met with Nanami's intense gaze. He clears his throat and averts his eyes to his laptop, adjusting his glasses in the process. I smirk a bit, finding it funny to see him so frustrated by such a small gesture. Throughout the class I catch him occasionally stealing glances at me. At some point he even rolls up his sleeves in a very sexy manner, giving me a glimpse of those strong forearms of his, but not without flashing me a cheeky wink. My heart rate speeding up quite a bit not gonna lie. He knows damn well what he is doing. He wants to fuck with my head, well spoiler alert, two can play this game ;)

The class ends and I go ahead, being among the first students about to exit the room, but a voice stops me from leaving.

Professor Nanami:"Miss Y/L. A word?". I simply gulp but don't hesitate to go up to his desk with a smile.

Y/N:"What is it, sir?"

Professor Nanami:"I couldn't not notice that your friend seems to be missing. Should I be concerned?". I instantly relax, being thankful for not bringing up they way I acted. If it were any other class I wouldn't have cared but for some reason, everything I do in his class feels different, and seeing him glacing in my direction or rolling his sleeves.. God, makes my thoughts go elsewhere.

Y/N:"Oh no. No need to be concerned, sir. She isn't dropping out, she just wants to be with her loved one", I notice how everyone has already left which makes me again the last one to leave his class. I really hope no one would be awful enough to make up some nasty rumors.

Professor Nanami:"Oh, my apologies. That is none of my business. But nonetheless, I am glad we aren't losing a student. But I can't say I wasn't pleasantly surprised to see you sit closer to the blackboard."

Y/N:"Oh yeah, well she likes it up there because we can chat and so on, but I like it better in front, so I can see you better.". He seems amused, but then my eyes widen with panic, mentally facepalming myself realizing what I just said "I- I mean to see at the blackboard better. Hah. You see I'm pretty dang blind hah." I try to save it as much as I can, he doesn't seem convinced tho.

Professor Nanami:"Really? Well I'd be more than happy to lend you my seat" he obviously jokes, gesturing at his desk chair.

Y/N:"Haha oh, you're too kind, sir. But that's your seat. I wouldn't want you standing up because of me", I laugh it off.

Professor Nanami:"Who said I'd be standing up?", he says casually while taking a seat in his chair. I look confused at him.

Y/N:"Then where would I be sitting?"

Professor Nanami:"Well of my chair", he firmly rests his hand on his thigh, suggesting something I would have never dared to think of, but a very tempting suggestion nonetheless. I simply let out a laugh, looking anywhere but at him, trying hard not to blush nor faint.

Y/N:"Hmm, tempting. I'll think about it", I say teasingly, now fully looking at him. We seem to be frozen in place for God knows how long, he looked like he was having some kind of internal battle of some sort, couldn't quite say what was on his mind.

"You're Such A Tease" | JJK | Kento Nanami x Reader | University AUWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt