The Marcial Law ..

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At the Planet X
Captain RJ : as you know what happned at the 4 xcitizen Leave our planet witout my permmison..
Captain RJ: and i will not let this happaned again..
Captain RJ: starting this day i willl declared all Parts of Planet X under Marcial Law Starting this day..
Captain RJ: as my count there are 2,100 xcitizen already escape our planet and those 4 citezen probably they at the Planet Earth by now ..
Captain RJ: hey person 1  did you find the family of the prisoners ?
Person 1: yes sonner or little we will put them in the rigth place where they belong ..
Captain RJ:  if whoever citezen did this again will die or will put at labor camp as this accident happned me and among of the generals commander will go to Planet Earth and not only to invade but to bring back those 2,100 xcitezen all ready migrate and living peacefully on earth ..
Captain RJ: hey General Katie come  to with me to invade earth and to bring back our citizen  with General Jake. .

General Katie : okay sir
General Jake : okay sir were ready to atack now ..
At NASA ..
ASTRONAUT 1 :  hey sir our team saw an artificial flying object entering our solar system..
Dr.JaysonLee: okay probably it was Planet X citzen Refugee trying to escape there planet...
ASTRONAUT 1: okay sir they wellcome at our planet as long as they not our enemy ..
DR.Jayson Lee all crew , Astronaut and General you all know that Ms.Sofia at Hongkong rigth  know to celebrate her sister birthday  so you know what to do ..
All said sir yes sir ..
Captain RJ: probably Mr.Lee dosent know that he's brother left him before at the planet earth 🤣🤣..
General Jake : yeah sir lets just see what will happned on them ..

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