Chapter 25 - I can't dance.

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Alexandra was good to me. She understood that I was in shock after the whole incident. After I cleaned myself up and had some food I was ready for the day.

Alexandra took me to a beauty salon to get me ready for this ball.

"You will be meeting Samael's family."

"The ones he turned?" I ask her.

"Yup. You will like them. I like them." Alexandra mentioned.

"Why do you not like Marcus?"

"You know I was surprised when he came to me about you. He begged me to get you out of your room. Marcus never begs. This was the same man who used to have illegal parties with Ivan. I used to think that this sudden change was just pretend. But I feel he has changed because of you. I don't hate him. I am just disappointed how he chose to live." 

"He doesn't have to live up to your standards right?"

"Standards. If you knew who he was before he was turned, you will be impressed." 

"Really. What did Marcus did before he was turned?" 

"He was warrior. He fought for years beside Samael. That is how they met. In the battle field." 

"Like horses, swords and costumes?" 

"More than that. He was a sight to be held. He was honorable and loyal. After he was turned by Samael something inside him twisted. Once you feel like a god you forget about consequences to your every action. Many years Samael tried to persuade Marcus to come back to his senses. Marcus was young and filled with blood lust. His choice of life, his way of living is what we despise. But he has actually changed. He did it for you. I am surprised. "

"He could have done it for himself." I tell her. 

"He does not care about himself enough to make that change. Self sabotage happens when one hates themselves. Sometimes you need a reason to change."  She said as she stood behind me looking at my image on the mirror. 

"You have such long hair." Alexandra mentions as she held a thick stand of my wavy hair and inspects it. 

"Thank you." I said as I blushed. She was far prettier than me and yet she complimented me.

Her eyes went straight to my reflection. 

"Sarah may I ask you a question?" 

I look at her and nod. 

"Would you like to be kept by me?" 

Taken aback I look at her reflection confused. 

"Kept?" I blurt out. 

"I would like to have you as a companion. I will provide you money, protection, a house and everything you need."  She said a little seductively as she played with the strand of my hair in her hand. 

I played along. Suddenly my shyness was no where to be seen. Instead I was amused and curious at the same time. 

"What's the catch?" I asked her smiling. 

"What do you mean?" Alexandra asked. 

"My dad has always told me there are no free lunches. Everything has a price." I said in a matter of fact way. 

She smiled as I caught her in the act. I assume most people she provide such a service to might get blinded by the money and the luxury only to be surprised by the rules she might have. 

"Of course. I want to keep you as a pet. Which means no meeting any new people and you will remain with me forever. Or at least for a few years." She said confidently as she carefully placed my hair back onto my shoulder. 

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