The Bathroom Stall|Note Twenty-Seven

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Note Twenty-Seven

Ghiradelli Triple Chocolate Brownies $3.99
Duncan's Dark Chocolate Brownies $2.99
Pillsbury Cheesecake Brownies $3.99
Pillsbury Milk Chocolate Brownies $2.99
Duncan's Hershey's Chocolate Brownies $3.99
Duncan's Dark Hershey's Brownies $4.99
Ghiradelli Microwaveable Caramel Chocolate Brownies $2.99

"What do you mean you've never had brownies before?" I demanded as I threw in one box after another of brownie mix. "Do you know how, how, how inhumane that sounds, Tucker?"

A flicker of a smile appeared on Tucker's face as he caught a box of brownie mix that I had attempted to throw in my cart, but because of my fervor, instead bouncing into his hand. "I've just never had brownies. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry isn't good enough," I huffed, hesitating for a second before dumping another couple microwaveable brownie cups into the cart, "thank God you have me to teach you the brownie ways. Now what were we going to do for our project again?"

We both looked into the cart which was piled halfway with assorted brownie boxes, then looked at each other, and grinned.

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