Guardian Down

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She cursed her brother for sending her on this mission solo. She was called to investigate a large hive presence in the Dreaming City only to end up being ambushed by Taken. Malfeasance was the only weapon she was using as it made killing Taken easier. Occasionally she would switch to her auto rifle, a Gnawing Hunger.

Echo stood her ground in a beautifully decorated chamber, breathing heavily from the injuries she already endured. Her ghost Orion was unable to heal her due to the curse Riven had placed on the City being at its strongest. Orion had also been damaged slightly, meaning he would need aid in healing the warlock. She raised her rifle firing into the swarm of taken thrall that began rushing her. One however had slipped behind her and clawed at her back, causing her to lurch forward and drop her rifle.

Quickly she pulled Malfeasance back out and used that to defend herself.

"Orion! Get in contact with Zavala!" She cried out between shots.

A large Taken knight swung its sword into her side faster than she could react. She let out a cry of agony as she could feel her ribs crack from the sheer force of the swing. She staggered slightly, but still held her ground.

"I can't get in contact with him! I've tried Storm and Izaria as well!" Orion panicked.

"Shit…" She cursed under her breath.

Slowly she calmed herself and focused on that feeling of warmth throughout her body. She flew into the air, wings of flames behind her and a burning sword of pure solar light in her hands. Quickly she swung the sword which released blazing strikes of solar energy that flew down to the Taken.

Echo soared through the hoard striking down whatever she could. Large amounts of Taken were burning up from her flames. She flew above the hoard that surrounded her once more only to see that it had doubled in size.

She knew she didn't have much energy left, she could see the sword fading from her hands. Quickly she flew down towards the ground into the dead center of the hoard and thrust the flaming sword into the ground, incinerating everything in a circle it casted on the ground. The Well of Radiance would only protect her for so long.

That's what should've happened, but instead a large ascendent knight appeared out of thin air and swung its battle axe into the same side the knight did earlier. A strangled cry escaped her lips as her body was flung out of the Well of Radiance. With a loud thud and a sickening crack her body had collided with one of the beautiful stone pillars.

She fell limply to the ground. Everything hurt, she felt like she was on fire. Echo attempted to raise her hand to summon Orion but she couldn't. The warlock's back had been snapped from the force of the impact immobilizing her. She tasted that sick metallic taste of blood.

Her chest burned, it felt harder to breathe, almost like she couldn’t get enough air. She begged for someone, anyone to help her, but she knew she was here alone. She could feel herself fading fast. She wanted her brother, but she didn’t understand why he sent her alone. Orion would be able to aid her once help arrived.

"O…ri…on…" She weakly called out to her ghost, "Send a...dis…tress...sig…signal…to…Germaine…" her eyes slowly began to close and her breathing grew weaker, “Ori…on…r…run…” He stayed with her until she drew her final breath.

“Echo??” Orion flew closer to her “Echo??? So on a bitch, why’d you have to send her alone” Orion knew Drifter would freak out after getting this message.

Orion's eye lit up and he started glowing. He could feel the life leave her body, but he couldn’t revive her, the curse was too strong. He needed help and sent out the distress signal. Frantically he left her body to the meeting coordinates he sent. Before he left the chamber he turned back to see the pillar her body was slammed into tumbling down to where her body lay. Deep down, he knew she'd be okay, but he's only ever seen her in this bad of shape one other time.

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