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Belly's pov
It was a normal day today like every other day except I've been getting the normal cramps but I've missed my period for over a month I have no stuff with me but I should be fine I think

Susannah and my mum was out for the morning
Steven, jeremiah and Conrad was the only ones here

They all was sat  playing  video games when I walked downstairs in leggings shorts and a cropt top to go outside and tan

"Hey boys" I said

"Hi" they all replied then going back to there game as I shook my head

I was currently just sitting on the lounge chairs outside when I really strong crap came along I was clutching my stomach begging the pain to go away a few tears escaping my eyes

I got up so I could take a pain killer for the cramps I looked down and I saw it a big red puddle that layed underneath me

Shit shit shit

The moms wasn't here fuck

I can't tell the boys

As if on cue all three boys came out as I pushed myself back down on the puddle

"What's up bells"

"Not much"

"Why are u sitting like that" conrad said

"Like what"

"Like ur hiding something" jeremiah piped up

"I'm not"

"I think it's time for the belly flop" steven said as they all began to giggle

Fuck no they can't I can't go in the water on my period and they will see the stain

"NO" I screamed

"It's tradition" Jeremiah explained

Even me saying no wasn't enough Steven picked me up walking me over to the pool

"Wait hold up belly" conrad said

Steven placed me down
Tears escaping my eyes

He saw it the red patch fuck I'm so dead

"Oh erm I came on my period I'm sorry I didn't mean to I didn't know"

"It's okay belly it happens u go shower and we will clean it up and Conrad will go shop" Jeremiah said

"I'm not touching that" steven gagged at his words

"Shut up it's for your sister"

Later after Conrad came back with pads, chocolate, sweets and the good muffins

Jeremiah and Steven tried cleaning it but had decided to leave it to Susannah

"Anything else you need bells"

"No I'm fine Thankyou Steven"

"Okay we will be downstairs if u need us"

"Okay I'm gonna take a nap"


Steven left and belly took a well needed nap

When Susannah got back and saw he cushion she wasn't bad it happens it wasn't her fault atleast the boys were here to help her that's all that matters

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