Chapter 1

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Ella's POV:

My alarm awoke me with it's constant ringing.
"ella get up or you will be late" I cried out in pain and screamed into my pillow and stumbled to my bathroom. I slowly peeled of my t-shirt and stepped in the shower. I poured my Pinapple and strawberry shampoo in my hand, it's amazing. Then I grabbed my apple conditioner and body wash and finished of. I wrapped my white fluffy towel around me and stepped out the bathroom. After doing all my hair and make up, messy bun and natural look I started to choose the hard part...the outfit. After 30 minutes to settled on a black crop top, white jeans and gold converse with gold jewellery. After looking in the mirror I nodded my head in approval and made my way down stairs "morning mum" I kissed her cheek, my mum means the world to me. "Morning sweetie your bag and keys are by the door..oh and your apple!" I smiled and said goodbye and got in my black Range Rover, you can say my family have a lot of money my mum works extremely hard and I never see her, my father died when I was 8, I'm 19 now. With brown hair and blue eyes. Tanned just like my mother. I started the car and made my way to Sophie's house she has been my best friend for ..years. She's beautiful with her black curly hair and brown eyes and her Caribbean skin. As I pulled up she came running out and jumped in the car. "Hey ells, guess what", I rolled my eyes "what" she giggles and swayed in her seat back and forth "James asked me on a date!" She screamed and jumped up and down ..not going very high may I mention because of the seatbelt "stop jumping and wow that's great, when?, where?" She smiled and shrugged as we pulled into the hell hole

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⏰ Última actualización: Jun 08, 2015 ⏰

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