Chapter 10: Dex (Wednesday)

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I got partnered up with Linh! I mean... uhhhhhh.....

I got partnered up with Linh coooooool.

ANYWAYS, poor Keefe. I know Sophie missies him. A LOT.

But all I have for Linh is a gadget that enhances abilities. ONLY for Hydrokenetics though. So sorry peeps!

That was awkward...

"Hey Dex" Linh started.

"Hey Linh." I said.

"How are you?" She smiled.

"I mean like... One of my friends ran away... sooooo, good?" UGH!! why was I so bad at this.

But she giggled. Huh. Her laugh is so pretty. 

We walked in a peaceful silence a s we trekked down the path.

Not an awkward silence, but a peaceful one.

That was all it needed to be to make me grinning like an idiot.

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