Chapter 12

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Your pov:

"Boys, we were able to get you transferred to the hotel the girls are at" John announced.

Gustav, Georg, Shaylan and Fern all cheered and jumped up and down. Tanya and I giggled at the girls reactions and began mocking them. Tom and Bill were watching us the whole time and burst out laughing.

"Ok, everyone please follow me, the limos are waiting outside" Katie said ruining your fun. Your kindness towards Katie had completely disappeared and so did your respect towards her.

You had informed both groups earlier on what had happened, they didn't believe it at first until Tom, Bill and Tanya backed your accusation up with the evidence needed.

"Bro that's fucked up" Gustav huffed and scrunched his nose.

"I know, she was coming on to me" Tom added.

Coming back to the present you gave Katie a glare which made her look away and walk off. The boys walked off in front which left you with your band.

"Come on everyone!" Katie rolled her eyes and caught up with John.

"Look at her, all amped up at you" Shaylan snickered.

"She ain't stealing my man, I mean Tom, she can't have him" I responded back while huffing.

"Oh your man now? When did this happen?" Fern smirked.

"Umm it's been happening ever since they interacted" Tanya giggled. "You were too caught up in your own world to notice"

"So what?" The twins answered in sync. Tanya and I laughed at their reaction and they soon joined in.

We made it to the end of the corridor and we're about to go outside. We were waiting for our cue to go outside while preparing to be swarmed by paparazzi.

"Hey y/n!" Tom smiled at me. Your heart was melting, you loved his smile.

"What happened to 'hey beautiful'?" You questioned feeling a little disappointed.

"Oh sorry, give me a sec" he said and walked in the opposite direction. You were confused but you waited to see what he was doing. He then turned to face you again and walked up to you, snaking his arm around your waist.

"Hey beautiful" he smiled again but this time it was more forced than natural. You burst out laughing as he followed. He then looked at you.

"I love your laugh" he commented making the heat in your body rise.

"Doors open soon, rush as fast as you can to the limos" Katie announced, she glared at Tom and you laughing your asses off. What was this girl's problem?

You ushered Tom to come closer so you could whisper something in his ear.

"Thank you handsome!" You responded and winked at him. You could see a soft pink tint appear on his cheeks, gosh he was so cute.

"Open them up" John spoke up.

Tom grabbed your hand and raced outside with you. The rest of the group were following behind. Paparazzi were shooting questions at both bands while fans screamed.

"OMG TOM, FUCK ME ALREADY!" A girl screamed.

"Tom is it true that you have an attraction to the famous y/n?" One shouted.

"Tom can you love me for one night?" Another girl screamed.

"Y/n, is it true that you may have feelings for Tom Kaulitz" a lady yelled.

"Tom is y/n one of your new chicks?" Some news reporter asked.

The questions didn't really bother you until you heard the last one. You had an uneasy feeling in your gut. Thinking back to when Tanya told you about toms past dating life. How he is a player, not to mention the fact that Katie is trying to get closer to him.

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