2. Stay With Me

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"What did you need the crash cart...OMG what happened"Cisco screamed as Barry came in faster than the blink of an eye, he looked down at Caitlin starting to sound like she was choking on the air as he gently placed her on the bed in a way that wouldn't cause her more pain, "what happened" Cisco repeated while putting an oxygen mask on Caitlin "she was stabbed" Barry said stuttering, and gave her an antistatic to make it easier for Caitlin to stay awake.

Caitlin couldn't see straight all she could see was a blurred sight of Barry trying to do everything he could to keep her alive, "she is losing a lot of blood" Barry said as she was going into a Dais and could hear those words echoing in her ears as she was starting to lose conciseness.

Caitlin could feel her eyes getting heavy as if she was going into a deep sleep she tried to fight it but couldn't "Caitlin stay with me" Barry said holding her hand with tears in his eyes, but there was to much blood lose and her heart stopped, the heart metre started buzzing the light in Ciscos face just died like a tree in a nuclear explosion, but Barry didn't stop trying to revive her, he could not stand the thought of losing her just after her lighting up his world.

Barry started to vibrate his hands to restart her heart he tried it once and it didn't work anger and emotions started to get to Barry he couldn't lose her not now not ever, he pressed his hands on her heart again and her heart started but very slowly.

Cisco sighed with relief, and Barry collapsed into the chair next to her, she wasn't awake though she was still in a deep sleep hopefully not for long he couldn't stand the thought of her going through what he did.
He loved her he wanted her to wake up so he could taste the soft, cherry lips he felt moments before this happened to her.

It has been 2 days since Caitlin was stabbed during that time Cisco and Barry stitched up Caitlin's wound and her condition has started to gradually get better, Barry continued to sit by her side the whole time refusing to move until she woke up the only time he left was to go to the bathroom and quickly grab something to eat.
Cisco told him Caitlin wouldn't want him wasting away beside her waiting for her to wake up, but Barry didn't listen if she died he would too.

Only Barry and Cisco knew what was going on, so when Iris and Joe walked in after wondering where he had been for the last couple days they started to worry and came looking for him.
They walked into the cortex to see Barry asleep in a chair next to Caitlin lying on a hospital bed.
"OMG" iris says running over to to the bed Caitlin was lying in.
This startled Barry and he woke up in shock, still with his hand on Caitlin's hand, he looked at Caitlin to see if she was awake but she wasn't.

He leaned back in his chair in disappointment and looked up at Joe and Iris while wiping the sleep away from his eyes.
"Barry...What, what happened" Iris stutters, "I,I don't know...i left her for, one minute" Barry replies holding back the tears in his eyes.
Iris touched Caitlin's other hand as if to give her comfort that she couldn't feel "I'm going to go get her some flowers" she said and walked out.

"Barr" Joe said looking over to him,
"What" he replied, "So what actually happened, was it a meta or something"
Joe asked.
Barry replied with a shrug,
"I don't know I just went into the next room to check the CCTV at the crime scene, and come back and find her like this" Barry said with a croak in his voice.

Barry sat up squeezing Caitlin's hand, not hard enough to hurt, but just hard enough to show her that he loved her.

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