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Queen Snowstorm sat at her desk solemnly, signing scrolls and reading letters sent to her as she waited for Permafrost to return from his negotiation visit to the SkyWing Kingdom. Her quill brushed against the papers impatiently as she wondered why her husband was taking so long to return...he said it would take an hour or two, and it's been four hours since he soared out of the palace...She grunted, pushing her darkest fears out of her mind as one of her talons began to tap the desk impatiently. He's probably fine, Snowstorm. No need to be so paranoid...

A royal advisor of hers burst into the room suddenly, looking panicked as his claws slid across the palace's icy floors. "YOUR MAJESTY!" He exclaimed, making Snowstorm jump out of her throne. "Snowdrift!" Snowstorm hissed. "No need to scream like that, you've ruined the peace." She frowned. "THERE IS A NEED TO SCREAM!" Snowdrift wailed. "It's Permafrost! He's....He was found....He..." Snowdrift paused to take a deep breath, too overwhelmed with fear and sadness to even form a proper sentence

Snowstorm's eyes began to widen as she listened to her advisor. "He's what!? TELL ME, RIGHT NOW!" Snowstorm snarled, her voice filled with fear and anger. What did they do to my husband? She thought to herself as she looked at Snowdrift apprehensively. Tears began to well up in Snowdrift's eyes as he looked straight at his queen. "Your dead." He said sadly, shaking his head as he looked at the ground solemnly. Snowstorm stepped back in shock, her mind swirling with rage and fear and grief.

"NO!" Snowstorm roared, falling to the floor in anguish. "HOW COULD THEY TAKE HIM FROM ME!?" She cried, shaking her talons angrily. "He was found with burn marks in the middle of SkyWing territory, which means-" Snowdrift was quickly interrupted by an enraged Snowstorm. "THOSE EVIL DRAGONS! THEY ALL DESERVE THE WORST FATE IMAGINABLE!" Snowdrift's eyes widened and he slowly exited the room, seemingly terrified by Snowstorm's sudden display of rage. Snowstorm curled up into a ball, sobbing into her wings over her beloved Permafrost... 

She heard talons tapping on ice, and lifted her head up to see her daughter, Blizzard, at the door of the room. She looked confused, she probably hadn't heard the news yet...Blizzard crawled next to her mother, looking at her with perplexed, innocent eyes. "What's wrong, Mom?" She asked quietly. Snowstorm shook her head, not even turning to look at her daughter. "Everything." She muttered through clenched teeth as tears streamed down her snout. Before Blizzard could utter another word, Snowstorm got up and stormed out of the room, as Blizzard watched her, concerned. 

 Snowstorm stomped through the palace halls, startling a few dragons as she found her way to the royal hatchery. She entered the room and began to sort and search through the batch of eggs, looking for the special one that she had laid. She spotted the little egg, picking it up delicately in her talons. She carefully slid her talons across the scaly egg it's soft scales comforting her as her tears dropped onto it. She hugged the egg tightly before carrying it back to the throne room. Blizzard was gone, probably looking for her. 

Snowstorm plopped back down on the floor, her sparkling royal crown falling onto the icy floor as she looked at the small egg in her talons. Inside was a little baby dragon. The last little baby dragon she would raise. The last little baby dragon Permafrost blessed her with. She sobbed and curled herself tighter around the egg. This was Permafrost's last gift to her. She would protect it and care for it with her life. No matter what.

Wrath of the Blizzard - Wings of FireWhere stories live. Discover now