Chapter 24: Dirty Laundry

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Me: (We went to dinner and everyone was dressed really good like we were going to church but with more swag. It was such a nice cool and calm evening just looking at everyone happy and drama free) This is a lot of fun don't you think we don't never do anything like this. Baby boy you having fun so far over here

KJ: Yea daddy I like it cross here but I hungry now

Me: I know little man, I just order your food ok it soon come back so you can eat

KJ: Ok daddy

Me: Terry did daddy say he wanted to tell you anything or did he say he wanted to talk to you about anything

Terry: No he aint say anything like that to me why you scared of something or he tell you he knows something about yawl to.

Me: I don't know but thats what Im thinking he might know about us

Chris: Why are you so afraid?

Me: His opinion mean the world to me because he just think good about me and want me be someone in life. Thats why he work so hard so he can be there for his family and i just don't want him feel like Im a letdown if he don't support us.

Chris: If he don't then you know you can just move all your stuff and come live with me , you know Im always here for you

Me: I know but i just want him to accept it whenever i do tell him or whenever he do find out and Im mostly scared for what he will do to you because you know my daddy head aint no good

Chris: I know and if that day comes I won't fight him I will just take my cut ass like a man. I won't blame him if he might think Im responsible for you know what but with this love I can get beat from him everyday I don't care because Im in love. This is real and a man like him who been in love for over thirty five years he will know it when he see it and respect it. (Most dudes that might here Chris talk if they were in my position would think he is crazy with the things he says but I know he just crazy in love with me. I still can't believe I got me a strong fine successful man in love with me tell this day it still amazes me every time I think about him. When I look at him I know everything in my life will be just fine and its us against the world.

Me: I think he will respect it but I can't say he will right from jump but in time if he want me and his grandson in his left he will.

Shawn: My daddy was calling me today telling me he wanted to talk

Terry: I don't want that nigga no where round you, why you even answering him.

Shawn: I don't know maybe I just wanted to forgive him and forget him. I didn't answer his calls so he sent me a text telling me that he wanted to talk because it been going on a little too long. He wanted to talk to me and he wanted to talk to you to Terry.

Terry: Why he want talk to me?

Shawn: Since mjay was talking about his daddy knowing i forgot that my father was trying to reach out. I don't know i still feel weird but maybe it would be good to just let it go and forgive him.

Terry: I don't like him for what he did to you and it messed you up mentally. You remember those nights when you always use to jump up out your sleep scared shouting leave me and no. It hurt me to see you going through that and i don't want nothing like that happen to you again.

Me: Thats my big brother protecting what his you know im proud of you right. You are growing up!

Terry: Yea i have to because i cant let Chris be the only one growing up and around here.

Chris: Bro you know we move together so when i move you move so thats small stuff.

Me; Oh JB is having a party on Friday so please don't miss that shit and he said just bring a bottle or bring a dish.

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