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It's unsettling to have a guy who isn't related to you be in your house, not to mention sleep over at your house. Not to mention sleep in the room next to yours which bathroom is shared. Thanks, mom, very much for your consideration. She's like Ms. April, always shipping me with other guys. I groan as I climb into my bed and hug my pillow, listening to the sounds of my mom giving Jeremy a fresh toothbrush and him brushing his teeth and leaving before going in myself. But the devil was waiting for me, I tell you. He is standing right at the door, leaning at the doorway. Dang.

"Good night, sweetie pie," He winks and closes the door to his room. I will personally kill him in his sleep for sure, just wait for it, Jeremy Lee Young. You will go down in history for being killed by a girl's bare hands. Actually, that's very unsanitary and disgusting. I'll use gloves instead.

I brush my teeth and wash my face before climbing into bed. I only realize it a while later, but the way my bed is up against the wall that separates our rooms and his is the same basically means we're only separated by a wall. Only, this reminds me of Insidious 3 when the girl knocks the wall next to hers. I'd rather not discover that I have a demon following me around.

Tonight I felt like I finally got close to my ste-my dad. It seems like I need more time to get used to it, calling him dad. Although we spent a nice night together, I don't think they are going to let me go to art college. I still need to fight. But just thinkin about it makes me tired, after Christmas is another day of my part time job with the creepy old man as a boss. Maybe I should quit but there aren't any other jobs around here that I won't be freezing from riding my bike to.

After Jeremy gave the guy a punch, I don't think he'll keep on trying the same thing, though. I sigh and shift to face the wall. What is with him? After the . . . thing, he seems to be a little more closer in a way? The normal him would never get closer than three feet to me but now he's listening to me cry about my dad and giving me advice on my family matters not to mention he tried to kiss me again two times today. What is going on with him?!

The next morning when I wake up, I don't even realize when I had fallen asleep. I had stayed up all night thinking about that stupid attic scene and a little about Jeremy sleeping in the room next door. But today's mind is occupied with something else--Christmas is in two days, Christmas Eve is tomorrow.

When I brush my teeth and go downstairs for breakfast, I find Henry and Jeremy sitting at the table, too, relishing in the beautiful scenery of the newly fallen snow. Well it just looks like a cold chunk of white mush to me. Normally I would like snow in rural, northern areas but here it is already melting and the dirt from pollution in the air is browning it. Who wants to look at that?

"Good morning, sunshine," Jeremy says sarcastically. Only my mom and Henry don't seem to sense the sarcasm and are squealing in their minds right now. They need to stop watching too much chickflick. My -dad is absolutely livid, though.

"Eggs sunny side up as always?" My mom asks. I nod and take a seat next to Henry, the opposite side of Jeremy after grabbing a plate and utensils.

"I'm surprised you wake up at your usual time without an alarm clock," Henry says.

"I'm surprised you're up earlier than me," I say.

"I can't sleep in a bed that isn't mine," Henry explains. "I usually don't get up until the late afternoon when there's a break or it's the weekend."

"I'm the same, but I wake up at five everyday, too," Jeremy adds into the conversation. He really likes to nudge into someone's conversation.

"Eggs and bacon and potato bread with nutella," My mom says as she places the contents onto my plate. "And next time, don't make me go into your room to fish the bread and nutella out. Bring it down when you're finished."

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