pg 27

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Suddenly she interrupted by Marcello who stood in the doorway he Softly Asked" Are you ok, you been punishing Sasha For Weeks and all you got was riddles." Paige smile before replying" No,Im think of how we can unite what sasha as Torn the fraction our going stir crazy mine included we need to get it back on track." As Marcello drew closer Paige slammed the file shut. Marcello place his arm on her shoulder while they sit with their thoughts when marcello mention she might have a way to unite the fraction's.

paige wip around  to look at him"What.. what is your plan". She barked.  "Marry me"Marcello word ring in her ears "What, this isn't a time for game, Im being serious" she bite back. "So am i,  marry me, we need a wedding which will unite mine and your fraction's, the union will be a new look into the underworld and build both of our Fighter together as one. its perfect, so what do you say". 

"I..I..I don't know, i want what's best for my people but is marriage really the only solution". she stated Marcello quickly jump in "Yes this is worth it, we can both share the power and unite the people it will work as he kisses your head you feel a sense of reassurance yet their still a nagging feeling inside.

weeks go by and crime lords and fraction take notice of the rumors spreading about a big wedding to unite the factions'. As people prep for a wedding Paige sit Alone in her office working on something. *knock knock* "Pardon me Boss,But their a gift for you form marcello" poppy places the small box with as card inform of paige.Paige smile and tell Poopy to call her Paige and to have a seat. 

As Poppy sit down,Paige read the letter out loud to get poppy reaction  {Dear Paige, i through it was fitting to get you a ring to celebrate to new union to be yours always Marcello}. she then open the box to find a 10 carat silver Diamond ring. poppy face expression said it all. "poppy you think its weird too don't you" she said wide eyed. "boss.. i mean paige it does seem a bit much but its up to you to go ahead with it". her response seemed to please paige. 

"poppy do you think, you can research marcello but keep it hush hush no one can know, my gut tell me someone is off and i'm too invested to keep a clear head right now".her voice seemed timided. Poppy smile and nods giving her seal of approval to the task at hand. 

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