Seventh death

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The van was shown driving down the road Abigail was in the passenger seat as hutch was driving and jenny sat in between from the back. Hutch was deep in thoughts about what they were just told "hey yall remember her diary?" He asked them jenny nodded her head but Abigail was confused "her diary"she asked.

"The one from the game remember when we couldn't skip through it or anything"jenny says.

Hutch nodded his"she right the one with the prayer in it in the game"he says as he continues to drive.

"Yeah what about it"Abigail says remembering that night were they all read the prayer.

"What if that's it"he says.

"What"Abigail asked not understanding.

"Think about what the women told us Abigail"jenny says leaning forward.

"The proper text "hutch says."her diary with the prayer and ' one day the words will become flesh ' "he says putting the pieces together as he continues to drive down the road.

Abigail then thinks about as she looks towards the siblings "that would mean that...."she says as dread starts to fill with in her on the realization of the situation as they continue down the road.

Soon they were shown entering Loomis house with swink following thim in denial"this is not about some ghost you expect me to believe we conjured up her evil spirit with a game seance?"he asked in disbelief and denial as he followed them into the house.

Jenny sighs turning to face her boyfriend "yes babe that is what we're saying"she says walking into the living room. Hutch nods his head "my sister is right to start the game we all had to recite that prayer"he says backing up his sister.

Swink shakes his head still in denial"that's highly unlikely "he says as he runs a stressed hand through his hair."what is swink"hutch asked.

Swink turns to face them"October and I were talking about this I don't know maybe she's onto something."he says with a shrug of his shoulder.

Jenny then noticed October was around but thought she might just be smoking a cigarette but Abigail looks at swinks lap top in horror "why is the game on"she asked gaining all there attentions.

"What"swink asked her confused.

"The game"Abigail says standing up as hutch and jenny walk over seeing the game on as Jenny looks up at her boyfriend with wide eyes "I didn't turn it on babe I promise"swinks says to Jenny as she then looks down at the laptop thinking.

"I told you not to play swink"hutch says I'm disbelief as he stares at the laptop.

"Where's October"Abigail asked.

Swink shrugs his shoulder "she's outside smoking"on the game Octobers character was shown walking past a window as one of the dead young girls watches her from the inside Jenny looks up at her brother both thinking the same thing the game was playing by its self before they rush out of the living room with the others following.

October was shown a little bit away from the house as she was smoking as she was in front of a house that was being constructed on she turns to see one of the girls Elizabeth bathory killed stareing at her from the window as she walks away October shutters for a minute before she looks over the construction around the house before walking forward as she tossed her cigarette as she puts her pack and lighter into her back pocket as she walks towards the house I'm front of her.

At Loomis house they are shown rushing outside "but you said if we didn't play the game we'd be fine I thought those were the rules"swink says panicking as they all look around for October.

"I don't know what the rules are maybe there are no rules"hutch says worried as Jenny looks around in fear worrying about October "hutch if they didn't turn it on its means it's playing by its self"she says as they look at her in realization as their eyes widen and horror as they look around for October.

October is shown opening the door as it was dark inside nothing was finished inside the house as she walks in closing the door behind her. She looks around cautiously as she walks forward breathing hard she nudges something as she looks down.

It was the ankle chain that held Elisabeth bathory's victims upside down as they were drained of there blood she kneels down looking them over she had a feeling the bitch was here as she stands back up looking around as something moves fast around the structure she slowly moves around before coming up to a tool belt that was hanging off a latter as she grabs the hammer resting on it and takes a few nails as she takes a deep breath "ok"she says to her self.

She then careful moves around the room as she holds the hammer and nails in her hands looking out for Elizabeth bathory as she gets closer before seeing a nail gun as she sets the hammer and nails down before quietly picking it up as she movers forward slowly.

The others are shown running down the road close to the construction site."October!"jenny hollers as she runs looking around for her best friend/sister.

"October!"hutch calls out as they look around. October was shown holding the nail gun in front of her as she moves forward quietly at one of the windows Elizabeth bathory was shown stareing out at it as October shoots three nails but they went straight through her as Elizabeth turns to face her with a glare.

Octobers eyes widen before she drops the nail gun"shit"she says turning around running before busting through some plastic sheets as she falls into one of the contribution rails before running forward but the ankle clad chains latch them selfs on to her as October falls to the ground as she trys to pulls her self loose before letting out a cold blooded scream as she was pulled back into a dark void.

Jenny turns to the construction house"October!"she shouts worried before running to the doo with her brother but the door wouldn't open as they try to push it open same thing with the windows as swink and Abigail try to open them.

October was then pulled up as she was hanging upside down swinging left and right back and forth as she screams"help me!"she yells at the top of her lungs as Elizabeth just watched as her next victim struggles.

"Come on open damn it!"jenny yells with frustration as she kicks at the Doo before trying to push it open with the help of her brother as they all hear October screaming from the inside.

"Let me go!"October screams as she swings back and forth before she slowly stop swinging breathing hard as she stares head on at Elizabeth bathory "go fuck your self"she says right before Elizabeth bathory slices the shears clean across Octobers throat as she chokes as blood runs down her face.

The door finally gives as the siblings manage to open it before all them were rushing inside as October was choking on her own blood as it runs down her face before she was released from the chains that held her up as she falls to the ground below.

Hutch and jenny run forward before anyone as they saw October on the ground bleeding to death"no!"jenny let's out a cry of anguish seeing her best friend slash sister dieing as swink comes up behind her stareing wide eyed at October before turning jenny away into his arms as she cry's her heart out.

Hutch skids to his knees beside October as she continues to choke on her own blood "no! No, no,no,no your gonna be ok. Your gonna be okay. I can fix this come on don't fuckin leave us."he says as tears build in his eyes as he gathered October up in his arms as he trys to stop the blood from oozing out her neck as he places a hand over her neck but it was to late as he rocks them back and forth a she cry's "God damnit please don't do this to me.and jenny"he cry's as October dies in his arm as she lays there limply leaving them all in silence.

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