2 | Honeymoon

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"So how was your honeymoon?" Liana asked as she spread herself out on the sofa, eating the last bit of granola in her acai bowl.

Ava plopped down on the sofa, moving closer to Liana.

"It was..." Ava trailed off, as Liana peered into her eyes, eager to hear what Ava had to say next.

"There's nothing to report." Ava said, retreating

"What do you meannn?"

"We didn't have sex that night."

Liana's smile slowly faded in disbelief. "What? Who doesn-"

"We did it in the morning" the French girl said as she chuckled, earning a gasp and a smack on the leg from her friend.

Liana's eyes widened in surprise. "In the morning? That's even better!"

Ava blushed slightly, playfully swatting Liana's arm. "Stop being so dramatic!"

"I'm just excited for you! It's your honeymoon, after all."

Ava chuckled, leaning back against the sofa. "It was wonderful, really. The entire trip was like a dream. Lake Como is absolutely stunning."

"It's literally paradise." Liana agreed.

"It truly is," Ava said, a dreamy expression on her face. "And spending it with Charles made it even more special."

"Aw, you're giving me butterflies!" Liana teased, clutching her chest dramatically.

Did you do anything adventurous?"

Ava's cheeks turned even rosier as she reflected on the time she and Charles spent together before coming back to Monaco. "Well, we did go on a boat ride across the lake, and there was this lovely hike up the mountains. It was breathtaking."

"Ooh, very romantic," Liana said, smiling from ear to ear.

"It felt like it," Ava admitted, a soft smile on her lips. "But you know what they say, what happens on the honeymoon stays on the honeymoon."

Liana laughed. "Oh, come on! Don't leave out the juicy details!"

"I've said enough!" Ava playfully smacked Liana's arm again. "But really, it was beautiful and intimate for both of us."

Liana nodded in understanding, her playful demeanor softening. "I'm glad, Ava. You deserve all the happiness in the world."

Ava shuffled over on the sofa, getting closer to her best friend. The two were really close and Ava considered Liana an older sister.

She squeezed Liana's arm affectionately. "Thank you, and speaking of happiness, how have you been?" Ava asked. "It feels like ages since we caught up." A month had passed since Ava and Charles became newlyweds, and the girls had not seen much of each other since the wedding.

"I've been good," Liana replied, a glimmer of mischief returning to her eyes. "You know, just living my best life with Carlos."

"That's amazing"

"Thanks Mrs. Leclerc."

Ava blushed again, but this time with a hint of pride. "I'm still getting used to the 'Mrs.' part, but it feels wonderful."

A comfortable silence filled the room, both girls retreating to their phones as they checked their socials.

"Liana, can I ask you something?" Ava said, her curiosity getting the best of her.

"Of course!" Liana replied, settling back into the sofa.

"What was your honeymoon like?"

Liana's cheeks flushed slightly, but she couldn't help but giggle. "It was amazing, really. Carlos was very attentive and gentle, which I loved. But, you know me, I like it rough most of the time," she added, winking playfully.

Ava burst into laughter, covering her mouth with her hand. "Liana! I can't believe you just said that."

"Well, it's the truth!" Liana said, laughing along with her friend. "It took us a while as a couple to find the right balance, but we got there eventually."

"That's fantastic," Ava said, genuinely happy for her friend. "I'm glad you two found what works for you."

As the girls continued to chat, Ava's phone buzzed, and she noticed a call from Charles. "It's Charles," she said as she picked up her phone.

"Hey, love," Charles greeted her with a warm tone.

"Hey, Charles," Ava replied, a smile evident in her voice. "What's up?"

"I just wanted to remind you that the annual FIA Prize Giving ceremony is coming up. All the drivers on the grid have to attend, and it's going to be a really special one for me."

"You know I'd never forget," Ava knew how important this event was to Charles as he had been nominated for one of the awards this year. He worked hard this season and put in a huge amount of effort, despite Ferrari failing him on multiple occasions.

She was ecstatic that he was being recognized as a talented driver to potentially receive an award and couldn't wait to cheer him on despite the outcome.

"I know how busy you can get with everything, so I wanted to make sure you didn't miss it," Charles said sweetly. "I can't wait to have you by my side, looking stunning as always."

"Aww, you're so sweet," Ava said, feeling a rush of affection for her husband. "I can't wait to be there with you."

"Aww, you're so sweet," Liana teased Ava causing her to silently chuckle.

"What's funny?" Charles asked innocently.

"Oh, it's nothing, just thinking about tomorrow night. Can't wait to see you." Ava smiled into the phone.

"Ok babe, see you soon. I love you."

"I love you more."

After hanging up with Charles, Ava returned to Liana, her excitement still evident. "Do you know what you will be wearing?"

Yes, but it's a surprise" she says cheekily. "What about you?"

"I have no idea, I am so indecisive!" The girl whined, face-palming herself.

"Don't worry, I'll be your stylist!"

The girls giggled and shared ideas, their excitement building as they discussed the perfect outfits Ava could wear for the special event.

Note: I know the FIA Prize Giving ceremony is usually in December but let's just pretend it's in September :) 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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