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Undetermined date and year – Day 1

The Next Day, I was... how can I say this... troubled and shocked, mixed emotions of happy and concerned? But then, here's the thing. I was roaming throughout the little town just recently made after the came here first. It's just ahead near skyscraper and it's a road of between Volkshalle not main roads I assume they enlarge the roads at this point. Many people turned back into their young age appearance such age of 30s and 20s and even sometimes teenage years. They were shocked as well in first time. The old people can back on duty again even veterans of the great war. And that's why there were many people at the Volkshalle. And the growth rate of the plants is insanely fast in a day and ready to harvest the farmers we're utterly shocked.

So, Arthur and Farris explained it while we were at Granny Feline's bakery. And that's includes my friends the leaders of each nation, they arrived as well hour later, they wanted to know what's going on as well.

Fortunately, back in my day, I don't have that kind of those mechanism of growth, but I do know about ageless I'll let it slide for now. So, they explained it.

After I was disappeared from Mythian universe, things got uneasy for them. They invented the power which they can control the resource of the planet and that's applies all every planet. Which they used one of my planet resources to require to invent it without my permission, but I wasn't there due to my disappearance so, it's understandable. This was causing tension of unknown enemy, a never-ending one as they predicted it. But turns out it was true [Pg.2]. Mythians however, they are getting used to it and normally lifestyle. As for ageless mechanism, I suspect it affected on pocket universe as well. But Arthur chose us/our people to become the 2nd Voyagers. But this time Mythians can join the journey as we planned, Human and Mythians will coexist again.

As for my friends however, they surprised. And they suggest it's best to keep this ours than share the others. It is true there are some people who goes after to power, and power comes to corrupt and greed. Arthur thinks of this as well, but they suggest as well to think and observe them before you trust them.

We all agree to our suggestion, and we keep it in mind to do so if our soldiers arrived here from the pocket universe. Suddenly a lady I've never seen it before joins in our conversation. She has pale skin, blonde hair, white dress, and sandals. I admit she is beautiful. Until she started this.

"Mein Dear~ how's your day Rhineland? Did you do it what I said? You seem still the same everytime I see you."

And fortunately, as I recognize her actions and speaking... its Granny Feline, a young Granny Feline pouting at me. I was deeply nervous and scared, trust me you don't wanna know if Granny Feline when she's angry. As my comrades/friends we're jaw wide open as they looked at Granny Feline, except Arthur, Farris, and Lorenzo which they we're sipping coffee intensely.

And I laughed nervously. We spend and enjoy rest of the day after that.

The Chosen Soldiers: The journal and the journey begins! (Concept & Core)Where stories live. Discover now