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With the situation that happened with Autumn the other day is was just really weird and she probably thinks I'm this weird kid that thinks she is really pretty.

I laid down back down on my bed for a while, i thought it was about time to get up and i checked the time and saw it was 9:30 AM and i didn't go to school yesterday and plus i CBF ( can't be fucked)

As i was walking down stairs i saw from the window Autumn was walking out of her door to head to school, but why would she be walking to school at this time she was going to be hell late if she walked there.

i ran up stairs and got change in to my usual clothes and quickly ran outside and hopped into my car, I started my car and the engine roared so loud the neighbours shut their windows.

As i drove down the street i saw the Beautiful Autumn with her hair in a messy bun and she was wearing sweatpants and a oversize jumper that had Brooklyn Nets on the back of it.

She had her headphones in and i didn't want to scare her so i tried to call her name but it didn't seem to work, so i just pulled over and shouted her name out so every neighbour could hear me.

I finally got her attention and she must of thought that i was a creep and kept walking away but then she took out her headphones out and she saw it was me and she was "SO SHOCKED" that it was me but then i saw a little smile appear on her face.........

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