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Amelia had fallen asleep in Derek's bed, hugging his stuffed wolf tightly, when she heard a loud and scary noise outside the house. It was like someone was growling. She didn't pay much attention and tried to sleep again when she heard someone entering the house and climbing the stairs. Derek opened his bedroom door and came in as quietly as he could.

"Aren't you sleeping?" He asked and she looked at him, yawing.

"I heard something outside your window and woke up."

"What was it?" He asked

"I don't even know if it was true or I 'heard' it because I was half-asleep." Amelia said, "As comfortable as your bed is, I am going to my room so you can sleep comfortably." She stood up from his bed and made her way to her bedroom.

"Are you going to take my little wolf with you?"

"Why not? Except if you want to sleep with it."

"First of all, I am not sleeping with it," he said, approaching her "Second of all you can take it because you are the little one who sleeps with stuffed animals here." Amelia rolled her eyes and headed out of his room. It was three in the morning and she wasn't in the mood to argue with him.

She opened her bedroom door and before she turned on the lights, something attacked her from behind. It threw her to the ground and came above her, growling. Amelia shut her eyes close, in fear. She didn't know what to do. She didn't even know what it was, she couldn't see clearly, her eyes were filled with tears and her vision was blurred. Its palm was pressing her throat, and she was hardly breathing. It raised its hand or foot and scratched her legs and stomach. Amelia groaned in pain, crying.

"Stay away from her!" Derek growled as he had already turned into a werewolf. His green eyes met Amelia's, and he saw her collapse on the ground, with this animal above her. Derek attacked it and pushed it away from her, so she could breathe again.

The two wolves started fighting and Amelia's weak body was on the ground 2 feet away from her bedroom. She tried to stand up and go to her room. Once she stood on her feet she collapsed on the ground again crying. She was fighting for her life when Derek pushed the other wolf to the wall and he fell on the ground, unconscious. Derek ran to Amelia and helped her to get into her room.

"You are bleeding!" He said, running a finger through her hair.

"I-I am okay," she lied. He took her hand and black veins appeared all over his arms. "What are you doing?" Amelia asked, trying to catch her breath.

"I am taking away your pain." He smiled softly

"But you are hurting too."

"It's okay, you are in more pain." He said and kissed her forehead "Stay here and I am going downstairs to bring gauze to cover your wounds so they can heal." Amelia nodded and closed her eyes, feeling her whole body ache.

ʜᴇʀ ᴘʀᴏᴛᴇᴄᴛᴏʀ | ᴅᴇʀᴇᴋ ʜᴀʟᴇOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora