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Hi everyone sorry I haven't been posting........ I will post 2 long chapters today to make up for it 

"Your fine Luigi. Bye kids I have to leave now" Bowser said walking out the room

"BYEEE DAAADDDD!" Bowser jr. yelled 

"Ughhh Bowser jr! Stop yelling it's too early!" Iggy said as he covered his ears

"Jeez....... jr. Next time don't YELL IN MY EARS!" Morton screamed

"C-could you all s-stop yelling?" Riley asked in a low voice

"Sorry Riley" Morton and bowser jr. said

"Thank you Riley" Luigi said as he got up from the table

Riley just smiled and set out the koopaling's bags.  Lemmy and Ludwig grabbed their school bags first. Morton and Iggy fought to get their bags first. Wendy grabbed her and larry's bags. 

"How come I have to stay here?! It's boring!" Bowser jr. yelled

"Jr! Luigi and Riley are watching you! Be nice to them" Wendy said

"It's fine Wendy" Luigi said

"Yeah it's fine Wendy we can handle it dear" Riley said

"If you two say so..... Now let's get to the bus before we miss it!" Wendy said running out the door

All the Koopalings ran out the door with Wendy leaving bowser jr.. 

"And they left...... Like they always do. Luigi is this how you felt when Mario left with Princess Peach?" Bowser jr. ask as he looked up at Luigi.

Luigi didn't respond he just looked down at Bowser jr.. Luigi didn't notice the tears forming in his eyes he was too focused on what Bowser jr. said as it was replayed over and over in his head. Mario left Luigi for Princess Peach........ Without a second thought. Luigi felt sad and enraged at the same time to the point he didn't know how to react.

"Mr. Luigi?" Bowser jr. said he looked horrified

"Mr. Luigi? Are you alright?" Riley asked whipping the tears off Luigi's face

"I-..... I'm fine sorry" Luigi said his voice thin and slow

Luigi walked into his room and hid away in the bathroom. He quickly locked the door and laid in the bathtub. He laid there wanting to kill Mario but, that's his brother he can't kill his own brother....... right??

"Mr. Luigi? Can you please unlock the door?" Riley said their voice was comforting it sounded like his moms......

Luigi didn't answer them........ He held his knees to his chest. He didn't want to leave the bathtub at all. He didn't know why he just went there first. 

"Never mind...... I'll come back to check on you" Riley said

Luigi's pov (because I hate myself and because I can!!)

Mario left me....... Just like everyone else. Why is Bowser being nice to me? Does he treat Princess Peach like this? Why is this happening? Why can't I just wake up at home? 

More tears ran down my face. I slowly got out of the bathtub and sat on the floor. 

Huh? W-what's that?

I noticed a small knife on the floor...... It looked like something Princess Peach had in her castle. I picked up the small knife and looked at it.

This is one of the Knifes Mario bought Peach!

I put the knife down next to me. 

Why is it here....... unless this was Princess Peach's room. She must have brought it for protection. It's a really smart idea but, how would she know when to bring it....... Does she plan on when to be kidnapped!? No that's crazy...... What if me for her was a test on Mario? No no no...... Luigi that's too crazy! 

I put my hand down and quickly looked at it.

CRAP! I put my hand on the knife! Ah shit...... I'm bleeding where are the bandages?

I looked around the bathroom before finally finding them. I wrapped them around the cut and cleaned off the knife. 

Jeez...... That barely hurt. Normally when I cut my hand when cooking it hurts really bad. I barely felt that. 

I looked down at my hand.

Huh....... Weird. Let's not over think this...... It's better not to

3rd person pov (Like normal)

Luigi was in the bathroom for a while

"Mr. Luigi...... I'm sorry if my question scared you" Bowser jr. said

"I-..... No your fine jr." Luigi said

"Riley asked me to check on you....... so are you okay in there?" Bowser jr. asked

"I'm alright jr. don't worry" Luigi said

"Okay! Bye!" Bowser jr. said as he ran out the room to tell Riley.

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