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I opened the door of my room, got in and jumped on the bed. I tried to reach for my phone which was on the bed side table, I was just too lazy to get up and get it. I stretched my hand as far as I could "Ughh!! Only a little bit!!" But unfortunately I could not reach it "UGH!" I groaned before getting up and grabbing my phone.

I was scrolling through Instagram. I did not know what else to do, I kept on scrolling until I saw a reel on
'5 cute ways to impress your crush'.
I had to watch I just loved Hudson so much, it's not a simple crush. It's love and I feel it physically and mentally when I see him, I just watched the reel but it was USELESS. It should have been titled as
' 5 ways to how to act quirky and clichè and make a bad impression on your crush'
I apparently just wasted my time. I kept on scrolling more until I my eyes started feeling heavy I could not keep it open anymore, so I kept my phone aside and dozed off.

I woke up it was 2 in the morning "damn I slept so much?"
I got off my bed and went to my mom's room just to see she was sleeping peacefully, she did not wake me up. I tip toed down stairs to grab some snacks and water and went back to my room.

I again watched a little bit of Instagram while eating my crisps and then I realised I have pending work to complete.

I again went downstairs and picked up my bag and came back to my room. I first started playing the song playlist I had made and started to clean my room, then took out my Chemistry book and started doing my work while listening to the music. Now I just had to learn some formulas and we are done! So, I switched off my phone so I don't get distracted and started learning when, I was done I gave myself a written test just so that I don't cheat myself. When I was done I got up, packed my bag and switched on my phone again it was 3:37 in the morning. So I decided to sleep a little bit more until I wake up for college again. I put on a alarm and slept off.


I woke up to my alarm scratching my ears, I turned the alarm off and got up. I did not wanna be late for college today. I took few pumps of my inhaler, stretched my whole body, then went to washroom to do my morning routine.

After coming out of the shower I picked my outfit from the closet. It was black jeans and sage green crop top. I opened my hair and brushed it wore some neck pieces then some watermelon ear rings and then some rings on my fingers. I then wore my shoes and gave myself a last check on the mirror. I picked up my phone, wallet and bag.

Then I went downstairs just to see some yummy chocolate pancakes on the table with orange juice and some strawberries. I started munching on it, it was phenomenal "breakfast is too good!"

"Oh sweety, you never forget to appreciate"

"Well, you deserve it mom you do so much hard work and on top of that you have office" She gave me a small peck on the cheeks and I smiled then got up to keep my utensils in the sink

"By the way honey I will be late from office today I will be back around mid night so please make your self something and do not sleep without eating!"

"Okayyy" I screamed while grabbing my car keys and leaving for college

"Did I keep my inhaler?" I asked my self

"Yes it's in the second pocket I believe?" I don't know I was talking to myself I checked my bag and yes, there it is. I started playing some songs before driving.

THE BRIXTON TOWNOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora