Chapter 9

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Readers pov

It was the next morning as I had to explain to Maria last night about the leader of the virtues Michael staying here and I had to explain to asmodeus as well about it. I look to my right seeing that Michael was still asleep. I quietly got up and went to the bathroom to wash my face. 'This is getting out of hand meeting the leader of the virtues what has fate put me into this situation.' I thought to myself as I walked out the bathroom seeing Michael awake and fully dressed.

"Michael." I said. "(Y/n) good morning and thank you for letting me sleep with you last night." Michael said. "Uhh yeah." I said as I began to put on my school uniform for today. 'Knowing about the excaliburs the church must've sent someone to retrieve them.' I thought to myself as I look to see a note with something under it.

"Dear (y/n) I decided to gift you something before my leave for a mission it might help you if your in a pinch sincerely Kafka

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"Dear (y/n) I decided to gift you something before my leave for a mission it might help you if your in a pinch sincerely Kafka." I read the message. "Twin pistols." I said picking them up also seeing the wearable holsters with it. I then felt a pair of wings pop out behind me. "What the hell." I said looking behind me. "I accidentally transferred some of my energy into you through skin contact while we were both asleep last night." Michael said. "Well this shouldn't hinder me at my normal life if I have to kill then their is no choice." I said putting away the pistols.

"I'll probably be home later but you don't have to worry about me." I said looking at Michael. "Mm sure." Michael said as I left my room seeing Maria at the front door. "Is it true." Maria said. "I'll explain as we are walking to school." I said as Maria nodded as we left the house.

Third person pov

(Y/n) then began to explain about her new found wings from the leader of the virtues. "So your now a half angel half demon." Maria said as they reached the gate (y/n) did a little shush gesture since they are at school now. (Y/n) and Maria walked into the classroom as the class day went as usual with up coming assignments and tests.

The bell then rang for the final class of the day which was just for extracurriculars and clubs to gather. "I'm gonna pass by the ORC." (Y/n) said looking at Maria as Maria nodded. "Don't get hurt." Maria said. "I'll be ok Maria." (Y/n) said patting her head as she waved leaving the second year classroom. (Y/n) started her way to the ORC feeling two faint signatures holy that is. 'Is Michael there as well.' (Y/n) thought to herself. She soon reached the ORC seeing two cloaked figures. "(Y/n) seems your passing by." Rias said. "Yeah felt two signatures on my way here but seems your in a little meeting with them." (Y/n) said.

She immediately recognize the twin tailed chestnut haired girl her childhood friend irina. "It's been a while irina." (Y/n) said. "Wait (y/n) is that you." Irina said. "Yes it has though you may have not recognized me in this form." (Y/n) said. "Mm." Irina said relieved that her childhood friend is doing ok. "Ahem irina there is a reason why we're here." The white hair female (y/n) didn't notice at first.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 11, 2023 ⏰

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