Chapter nineteen

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S1 ep22

Santana walked into Madeline's room, seeing the girl staring at a picture on her wall.

Not even a picture, it was a flower painted onto her wall.

A flower Maddie and her mother painted together the day Kurt moved to the basement and the five year old girl got her room to herself. 

She took the week off from work to spent it with Madeline, now Madeline is 15 almost 16 staring  at this bright pink room that is not her style and she hates it  but she also loves it because her mom made it for her.

"Mads, if you hate the room paint it but keep the flowers or even just take a picture of it."

"We spent a week together doing this, we kicked dad and Kurt out so we could have a girls week. We slept in the living room on this mattress for the whole week because we attempted to put the bed together but failed so we had to wait for dad to come back from being banished to a hotel."

"She sounds like she was a fun mom." Santana smiled and sat down next to the blonde.

"She was the best, I feel horrible."


"Because I was sat here planning what I was going to get Carol for her birthday and I saw this adorable mother daughter spa day and I felt like I was replacing my mom. I'm doing things with Carol that I should be doing with my mom." Madeline sniffed to try keep her tears in as she moved to lay in her best friend's lap.

"Carol is never going to replace your mom but she wants to take over what your mom was not allowed to finish and that is be an amazing mother that you deserve."

"My mother died and I miss her so much but I hate myself for this but I'm kind of glad she didn't have to see me like this. I'm a mess."

"You are not a mess, you are a teenager who is finding herself."

Maddie looked up at Santana and moved so she was straddling her lap.

"Will you stay the night and cuddle with me?" The blonde asked as she tucked her head into the Latina's shoulder.

"As long as we can watch horror movie."

"Once I'm asleep." She yawned and pushed against Santana so they were now laid flat against the bed.

"Okay, get some sleep so I can have lady  kisses after school tomorrow."

"Mhm, stop talking about sex and hold me." Maddie whines and allows her to fall asleep on her best friend's chest.


Mr. Schue had asked the glee club to go to his house for their first annual New Directions' Regionals' setlist nominations party.

Around them was an untouched box of pizza, everyone was still shaken up over the new revelation that Sue Sylvester was judging the competition.

Maddie stared at the pizza before looking at her phone from the message from Sue, she would be picking her up tomorrow morning so they could train some more.

She was brought back to reality when they were talking about Sue bring the team down.

Everyone started crying so taking a deep breath maddie stood up passed her keys to Kurt, helped Santana up as well as Britney and led them out without a word.

She was not going to cry in front of anyone in that room.


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