ℳℯ𝒶𝓃 ℊ𝒾𝓇𝓁𝓈 & 𝒷ℴ𝓎𝓈

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We all know the mean girls in school
And the mean guys
They're all alike
Because they struggle with a similar fling

If you're quiet
You're attention seeking
If you're loud you're no different from the quiet ones
Everyone wants that validation that we all crave
But we all hide it
Like it's a dog that can't be tamed

Every-time I sit at the lunch table
Only two of our six are happy to see me
The others turn away and whisper behind their backs
Talking about me I'm assuming
Every-time I tell my own joke
Only those two laugh with me
While the others laugh at my stupidity

I talk too much
I'm too loud
Maybe I should just quiet down
Because evidently I'm not supposed to be here
Because only two of you care that I'm even here

I get mocked because I'm not like everyone else
And if I fell
Only two would help
I'm tired of trying to prove myself
To these mean girls that I hang out with

Whenever I sit down in class
My hair is swatted by the stupid ass behind my seat
His football cleats tapping the ground below him
And he's trying not to make a sound
Because he doesn't want to get in trouble for laughing

I'm always getting mocked by them
For simply talking to my friends
Or drawing on my desk
Or just sitting there

Whenever I complain about it, they say they just like me
So how come they bully me?
Evidentially I'm too loud
I talk to much
I'm a brat
And I have no personality because I'm just like everyone else
They don't respect my boundaries
They make fun of my names
And all I want to do is sink

Whenever you're older
You'll look over your shoulder
And see younger me in front of your seat
Crying because I got kicked by your cleats

No matter what I do to please you
Nothing ever comes out right
So all I can do is be nice

You're both the same
Just with different names
And different choices
And different actions
So all I can do
Is be nice.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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