💖 Chapter 24: Fight 💖

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He slowly started kissing me so badly that atlast, I am unable to reciprocate with him as I am feeling little bit scared by his action so I did nothing except gripping his shirt tightly so that I could not fall as my legs are becoming very weak. After we break the kiss, I hugged him tightly as now I am really feeling safe.

He started patting my back.

Sssssh!!!! Nothing to get scared sweetheart, I am here. He said while touching my back.

Finally we looked at each other after breaking the hug and  he was about to pull my saree. Immediately I stopped him and managed to get out of his hold and went infront of our bed standing there while holding the headboard of it because I can't take it anymore 🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈🙈.

He slowly came behind me and whispered in my ear seductively "We will continue tonight" and left from there. I just smiled to what he said.


I went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast as today is my turn to prepare the food from breakfast to dinner. So I started preparing the breakfast first as the servants are also helping me.

After sometime.....
Breakfast is ready and now I started setting the table with plates, knife, fork and spoon for each one of us. While I was filling all the glasses with juice, Baba (Rudra's father) came and said "Good morning"

saying he sat on the table.

Good morning baba. I said
Is today something special? Baba asked me.

Nothing special baba its just sandwiches, boiled eggs and juice the normal breakfast. I said

But the food smells good. Baba said
I smiled

Maa also came.

You prepared the food? She asked me.

Yes maa but I don't know how the food is, but I tried my level best. I said while giving a small smile.

Nothing to worry Pamela, everyone learns from mistake so as you. Maa said while putting her hand on my head and sat on the table.

Meanwhile Roni, Rohan and of course my hubby came too. I served them the breakfast and they started eating.

Suddenly, Rudra asked me.

Won't you have breakfast?

I will eat later. I said while smiling.

Why? Do you have any problem in having breakfast with yourself? Maa asked me.

No no its not like that. I said

Then come and have your breakfast now. Rudra said while pulling the chair beside him for me.

I was about to sit on the chair.

Suddenly we heard a loud voice from upstairs.


Everyone looks upstair as obviously everyone will be scared if someone shouts like that. Its Tithi di.

Now she is coming downstairs in a hurry.

What are you all eating now? I have already prepared breakfast for you all. She said

Maa sighed.

Today is Pamela's turn to prepare breakfast so she did and we all are eating the breakfast prepared by her. Maa said

Why? Oh ! Now she is your favourite as she will prepare the breakfast and you all will ignore me. She said rudely.

Its not like that Tithi di. I was saying but she intruppted.

Hey? You just shut up. I am not even talking to you as you have eaten everyone 's head in such a way  that they are ignoring me and make you the Goddess. She said

I was really shocked to what she said.

What are you saying Tithi di how can you think like that about me. I said

Tithi di looked at maa from me.

Maa, the moment she came to our house, she is destroying my everything and now she is going to destroy you all with that poisonous food which you are calling as breakfast. She said

Now I was feeling like, I have been insulted.

Poisonous? I said as tears started coming from my eyes.

How can you even think like that about me? I said while maa trying to console me.

Mind your language.You don't have the right to talk like that about my wife. Rudra said

What do you think about yourself huh? that you are great? Rudra said

Actually not she. You are jealous of Pamela and that's why, you are saying all these. Maa said

Maa how can you say like that. By the way, how much do you know her? Tithi di said

How much do you know her ? Rudra said

Tithi di looked at Rudra.

Actually your maa is telling the truth that you are jealous of Pamela and that's why you are saying all these to defame her infront of us. Baba said

You think of us that we all are fools and what you are you also think her as the same. Rudra said

Its quite natural. Rudra said.

Tithi di is looking at him with big big eyes.

Tithi why are you creating scene on such a small matter. Roni da (Tithi 's husband) said.

am I shouting? or this girl is creating the scene. She already started creating  scene the moment she entered into our house. She said

Yes you are shouting unnecessarily. Maa said

She don't have anything to say now.

Tithi I would like to tell you one thing. Baba said

Its not like that what you think of her. She is really a good girl so please accept her as this will be good for you as well as for us. Baba said and they all again carried on with their breakfast.

I quickly went to my room and closed the door because I couldn't be able to take Tithi Di's insult.

Another update........
Actually last week I was busy in preparing asthetics of my previous stories and this stories too as the asthetics are posted already so please check it out let me know how it is.
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Check my other stories too.
1. His manager
2. I can't leave you
3. His cute doll

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