Part 77

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Freen's POV

After my conversation with Becky. I just needed some time to breath, to unwind. She hurts me a lot but that's better than staying away from her. I went to Liza's former room and cried myself out. I meant what I said. I really hope she can find the evidence that she needed but we've been doing this so long and I know how clean we work. Even if evidence show up, it won't be enough. It won't be enough to sent me or us to jail. We have the most influence and we are very powerful. Nobody even dared to fight or go against us. We don't work hard for nothing.

After taking a breath I went back to my room and there I saw Becky sleeping. I smiled at the sight of her. She's really beautiful. I kissed her forehead and then I kissed her lips. I was about to lay next to her when I heard a knock on the door. I went to open the door in fear that it might wake my sleeping beauty. There I saw Kirk and Nita. I smiled at them and slowly closed the door after.

Kirk: (awkward smile) Hey there, partner.

I got confused and my instinct kicked in telling me that something is wrong. Kirk is being awkward and he never greeted me with "hey there". Never.

Freen: (confused) Hey there?

Nita immediately clang herself to me as she acts awkward as well but not as much as Kirk.

Nita: (laughing awkwardly) I know right. Anyway, I'm sorry to bother you, but can you please come with me?

Nita asking me out is so random. Usually she tells me beforehand and I don't believe the sayings that abrupt plans are the one that happens. So, everything needs to be scheduled before it happens.

Freen: Like right now?

Kirk: (awkward smile) Yes. Right now. Like this very second, this very time.

Kirk scratched his nape and laughed awkwardly after as he pushes Nita towards me. "Okay, what is happening?"

Nita: (smiling)I just wanted to ask you out and I also want to spend time with you. I really missed you a lot.

I can sense that Nita is being sincere at the moment so I politely decline her offer.

Freen: (smiling) Sure Nini but can we please schedule? I'm actually occupied right now.

Nita gave me a sad smile.

Nita: (small voice ) Like what?

Kirk: (nervous) Like busy with Becky?

Kirk asking that question triggered Nita which made her roll her eyes at me and raised her eyebrows at me, waiting for my answer.

Freen: (smiling) Of course not. It's just that I'm not a fan of abrupt decisions like this.

Nita crossed her arms and she sighed with frustration while Kirk is actually nervous right now and avoiding my eye contact. "What's wrong with Kirk. Is he doing this on purpose?" He intentionally made Nita mad but he is also acting weird so I asked what's wrong with him.

Freen: (worried) You good?

I saw guilt in her eyes but he smiled at me.

Kirk: I am, am just tired and I accompanied Nita here with me.

I really hope he's fine. Maybe he's really tired since I was never that hands on to our business and maybe it took a toll on him as well.

Freen: (smiling) That's really great. I'm happy your doing fine. It's just that your being awkward.

Kirk laughed and I'm not kidding when I tell you that he is trying hard to laugh which is so loud that I immediately stop him cause I don't want to wake Becky. Kirk, stopped laughing and I could see the sweat building of his temple. "Is Kirk really okay?"

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