Another visitor!?

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Sorry for not posting this part for so long I've been writing other stories and I've been busy with friends and cleaning and more stuff but enjoy this story

Still Adams pov 


I hear the door open "hello family" I look back to see who it was , "oh,I didn't know you were coming back from your trip so early" I say "yea I'm surprised too ,they didn't need me to do much" Jake says "wait ,isn't that jake!? The Streamer and  model that owns 8 company's and has 60 makeup stores all around the world!?" Ash says in amaze "yea he's my brother" I say "your brother!?" Ash says "oh I didn't know you had friends over adam" He says putting his bags down and taking off his jacket "hey,adam here I got you something" jake says going up the stairs with his hand in his pocket "what is it?" I say "here" he says as he gives me tickets to something "what is that?" Ash says looking over my shoulder ,I look at it closely "aren't these tickets to the grand finally festival at the most famous place to meet models, singers,makeup artists and more!?" I say in amaze "yea I got five of them for you and to bring your friends and I got some for my friends ,mom ,dad,Molly and aunt Eden has tickets already " that's so cool!!" Ash says "it really is but here don't let anyone see this" jake grabbed VIP tickets backstage for his concert "VIP tickets to your concert?" I say "I am allowed to bring family and my friends or my families friends on stage with me" he says smiling "so your going to bring us on stage!?" Michael says "yea ,I think my audience would love you guys,they are very nice" he says 

(here's some background info ,the grand finally festival is 4days in there time line and makes concert is in 2days for them,also I have a feeling that jake would look like fucking James Charles like he just gives me the vibe ya know? )

"Well might as well go to my room and design my outfit for the grand finally festival" jake says going to his room "mk bye" I say "hey who wants to go shopping to pick out what were going to wear in the finally festival?" I say "yea lets go!!" Ash says in excitement "okay get dressed and meet me outside by my car" I say "can we come" Gabriel and Anthony say at the same time coming out there rooms "sure" I say ,after a few minutes everyone is ready and we go inside the car "oh yea I forgot to say that this is a self driving car so we all can just chill in the back" I say as everyone gets in "well I have about 900$ left from the last time we went to the mall" Michael says "same" "literally" ash and Michael say "you guy are going to need more for where we are going" I say "yea with that much money you can only get a bracelet" Anthony says  "aren't we going to the Mall?" Jackson says "nope we are going to a designer store a very expensive one so let me give you some more money" I say while giving them at least 9000$ each "this is way to much money!I can't take this!" Jackson says "well you'll need it" I say as we arrive ,we get out the car and walk to the security "id please?" The guard on the left says "here" I say giving them my id " welcome adam,who are they though" the guard asks "they are my friends and you probably know Steven, Gabriel and Anthony already" I say "yes I know them they are very famous, come in" he says ,we walk in and goes to the clothing area "this place is so fancy!" Ash says "really fancy!" Jason says "mhm well here we go pick out a suit or a dress (talking about ash)" I say stopping in front of a clothing place "okay" Michael says going to pick out his suit "mhm" I say going to pick out mine ,everyone picked out there outfits

This is Michael's

This is Michael's

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