Chapter 28 - Just My Type

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Oh! do not attack me with your watch. A watch is always too fast or too slow. I cannot be dictated to by a watch. - Jane Austen

Darcy looked out the window as we drove to the club. I watched him as discreetly as I could. I wondered what was going on in his head. Passing by a billboard featuring a scantily clad woman, he cleared his throat and looked down. I tried to hide my smile, thinking it was cute how uncomfortable the advertisement made him. I did not believe it made matters any better if I told him it was for a movie. The poor man was calm about all this, but I had a feeling he was freaking out on the inside. Morality was not future society's strongest point, and I think he could tell. There were so many things he did not know or understand. Mr. Darcy of Pemberley could not comprehend the situation he was in, and I was sure it bothered him to no end.

The car turned, and Pirhana pulled into a parking garage. It was dark, and shadows played upon the walls, a car door shutting echoed within the depths. When Darcy and I got out of the car, he took hold of my hand, and I had a feeling it was meant to protect me. I knew he would never admit it, but he seemed scared as well. Parking garages were frightening places at night. I squeezed his hand and smiled at him. He sent me a small smile as we waited for Pirhana to get out of the car.

Soon, we began our walk to the club. It was two to three miles away. Darcy found it strange we even had to walk. In his day, carriages would drop you off at the gates or door of your destination. I wondered to myself how he remained in such perfect shape without working out. Then, I reminded myself he was a fictional character. Everyone knew there was some unwritten rule where fictional characters had to be gorgeous, well, for the most part.

We met Michael outside of the club, leaning against his motorcycle. His eyes flicked from Darcy and me, and to our holding hands. He straightened his stance and sent me a knowing grin, "What took you guys so long? Did Pirhana drive?"

"I'm a cautious driver and you had a head start." Pirhana tilted her head to the side, biting her lower lip, "Now about your motorcycle..."

"No." Michael shook his head, "We can talk about that later. Let's not ruin the night."

Pop music blared from outdoor speakers, giving us all a taste of what was going on in the nightclub. The line to the club was long, and we stood there for half an hour. A girl, ahead in the line, kept on looking our way. The young woman and her friends were wearing neon bodycon dresses and enough makeup that a spatula would be needed to scrape it off. She whispered something to her friend and they giggled. My brow creased when they walked towards Darcy and me.

"Hey cutie," the girl simpered at Darcy.

I stole a glance at Darcy and made sure our holding hands were visible. The girl ignored it as she continued to flirt, "Save a dance for me, yeah?" When she received no answer from Darcy, the girl's eyes narrowed, "Hey, can you hear me?"

Darcy looked at the young woman, "I appreciate your invitation to dance, but, I must decline."

"Why?" The girl demanded.

"I am committed to the woman standing next to me." Darcy lifted my hand and kissed it.

Committed? Did he mean it or was he making sure the young lady would stop bothering us? I had yet to iron out the kinks in our complicated relationship. I knew I was overthinking it. Call me old-fashioned, but, to me, commitment meant marriage. Did Darcy still want to marry me? I had a sinking feeling matrimony was not in the cards. The script had changed. All my decisions and actions had changed the narrative so much. I was ashamed of it. Why couldn't there have been easy choices like a choose your own adventure novel?

"Awwww!" She smiled, "You are so lucky! I wish I could get a boyfriend as polite as him! All my boyfriends have been absolute fools!"

Before I could explain he was not my boyfriend, the line moved. The girls rushed inside, their glow in the dark necklaces shining amidst the dark atmosphere. We walked inside and found a table to sit. Darcy pulled my chair out for me as Michael and Pirhana exchanged looks. She cleared her throat.

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