† Twenty †

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The days went on the usual of school, lesson, study and the likes. But... Something is amiss. Throughout the ride to school and going back home, everyone sure as hell dead silent.

None of them were making eye contact to one another. Even speaking seems prohibited, except for the occasional scolding of my butler-like brother. But the rest?? It seems like they all reverted back to their old selves.

Even Yui seems to be aloof. I don't know if she's mad at me or not. But the way she acts right now is like a total different person. It seems to get me on edge and for the first time, I don't feel like eating dinner nor the have the appetite for it.

I noticed Kana-nii to be looking at me from the corner of my eyes as we continue our dinner. But when I turn to look at him, he quickly averted his gaze as if I'm someone forbidden. Soon, the silence finally suffocates me and I stood up from my seat.

"Yumi-chan---" Kana-nii tried to start but I quickly cut him off.

"I'm fine, Kana-nii" I said "I'm just tired..."

I smiled at him before turning and leaving the room. He bit his lip as if he's guilty or regretting. The others look too but still held their ground. I don't know what's going on why they acted like that but it doesn't matter... Right..??

Suddenly, hurt stabbed right through me the moment I closed the door behind me. Tears welled up in my eyes and fell streaming down on my face. I know it was all my fault. If I wasn't so naive to not notice it soon... This shouldn't have happen---

"Huh..??" I wondered as I took a look at the place before me. I don't know where am I, or rather where my feet took me--- that's right. I ran away from the mansion. From my brothers. From me...

I sighed deeply at how pathetic I am and starts wandering to get out from this cold dark forest. Sounds of rustling leaves, chirping crickets and owl howling creates a creepy sound that starts creating frightening images in my mind.

I rubbed my arms to get the goosebumps away but failed. "Helloooo..??" I called, trying to lit up hope that someone would hear me. But reality is harsh. No one hears me. No one is here. I am all alone.

Suddenly, a creepy insane laugh caught my ears. I turned around and what caught my sight is a disjointed woman covered in blood. Her dishevelled hair went around in places making her look terrifying as her wide hollow eyes stare madly at me and her grin went slowly wider...




I know I'm not the one to make profanities roll on my tongue but in my case, I know everyone will do so. I suddenly took off running the moment the woman moved and we both ended up running in a game of tag.

Adrenaline run through my system and all I can think of is run and save my life from that woman. Unfortunately...






"Urrgh!!" I clenched my chest, feeling the same familiar burning feeling inside my chest...






My legs lost it's strength and my knees cave in. I tripped on a small rock and I fell on the ground and rolled a few times in the process. It hurts and I think I twisted my ankle.



Ba-thump Ba-thump



"Urrgh..." It hurst so much. Dammit. Why does it have to act now?? It's been quite some time since I started having this aching feeling in my chest. Suddenly, rustling sound together with a terrifying cackle filled the area.

I quickly turned around and the woman chasing me earlier emerged from the shadows. Finally taking a good look at her, I finally notice that she's actually a half-human half-spider mutant with scythe-like arms similar to a mantis.

My eyes widened as all sounds died down and the world stopped, seeming to go in slow motion. She raised her arm and brought it down to impale me...


At the Sakamaki household in 3rd Person's POV...


Ruki suddenly whipped his head towards the window when an unknown disturbing feeling suddenly thumped through him. He doesn't know why nor how to explain it but he knows it's to no good.

"Is something wrong, Ruki-nii??" Ayato asked worried, noticing the older's disturbed appearance. Ruki shook his head, saying he's fine before going back to studying together with all of his brothers.

He reached for his glass of lemon juice the maid served them for refreshments when suddenly, the juice turned to ice along with the glass that seems to take him aback. True that among the brothers, he's the only one who can control, create and manipulate ice.

But right now, he swear he's not using his vampric powers. So what is dark heavy bad feeling his experiencing right now?? Is this a warning?? That he doesn't know---






All ten brothers jumped when Satran suddenly appeared out of nowhere and screamed for us to run. Though they would rather not believe it, but seeing his bloody wounded self and his alarmed expression says otherwise.

Suddenly, the windows crashed and came in a swarm of turned vampires. But unlike the Mukami brothers, they were failed vampires and look nothing more but blood thirsty insane beasts.

But before the brothers could even run, the demons with sharp claws and razor sharp teeth all jumped, attacking all the unprepared boys. "Blood..." says most of them "Give us your blood!!!"


End of 3rd Person's POV...


The sound of my heavy breathing is the only thing I hear ringing in my ears. The place seems very cold as ice and everything seems deadly silent. Taking a peek, my eyes widened at the very sight that greet me.

There before me is the same creature with her body trapped in cold ice. The same goes to some parts of the trees and plants while the ground seems to be covered in snow instantly. But what surprise me is that my hands produce glowing aura-like blue as ice...




A/N: Sorry guys for the long update!! I just have something going on and I also got absorbed with Naruto fanfics that I forgot to udate this story... Sorry!!

Hope you all enjoyed the chapters so far!!

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