Fear The Belly Button

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HEY Y'ALL I AM YOUR WATER PRINCESS AND I AM BACK!! Gosh, why do I always say that?

Anyways, like I have said like 3 times, due to school I will not be able to update as much as possible. And probably this book less because while it's fun to write it's harder because it has a long term plot line. So I'm sorry but school comes first. This is just how I relax.


Just then Preston and Tobi ran in the room in only their underwear. Josh and Rob chased them, holding clothes.


"Preston," Rob yelled, "You need clothes."

Preston ran around the bathroom. He ended up tripping on the rug and falling on the Harry. Both fell over and began to cry. Jerome looked up from pulling a blue shirt with little yellow stars on it over Lachlan's head. It was smaller then Jerome though it should be even for a baby.

When Simon picked up Harry to comfort him, he looked at Jerome and said, "Isn't that Vikk's top?"

"Ohhhhh. That would be why it won't fit," Jerome said as he peek a boo'd Lachlan. Just then Tobi ran by and Jerome stuck his arm out. Tobi ran straight into it and Jerome wrapped Tobi up in his free arm. Tobi began to shriek happily and almost kicking Lachlan in the face. "Josh would you-"

"I got him, I got him," Josh said and he took the happy toddler from Jerome. Tobi shrieked as Josh tossed him in the air. He then sat down with his back against the sink cabinets to dress Tobi.

Rob scooped up the crying Preston. He decided it was useless to try to dress a crying toddler so he sat against the door and cuddled Preston till he stopped crying.

Vikk was sitting on the rug looking around and sucking his thumb. Because Jerome had tried to put his shirt on Lachlan, he wasn't wearing one yet. Mitch was standing next to him and they were talking.

"Was dat?" Mitch asked poking Vikk in the stomach.

"Was what?" Vikk said looking down at his pudgy baby belly.

"Daaaatttt," Mitch said poking Vikk's belly button.

Vikk looked down at it in shock and fear. "I dunno. I dunno if I wikes it. You have one?"

Mitch looked at his tummy which was concealed under his red tee shirt. He grabbed the bright orange hem (the collar and the cuffs were the same orange) and pulled it up over his face. "Dunno. Can't tee."

Vikk poked Mitch's belly and said "you got one wright dare."

Mitch giggles but then got scared. "Biiiiiggggguuummmmssss."

Jerome looked up to see Mitch with his shirt over his face and Vikk poking Mitch's tummy. "Yeah Baby Biggums."

"Was dis," Vikk asked poking Mitch's again.

Jerome pulled Lachlan's top over his head. It fit and it had little emoji fish on it. 🐠🐟🐠🐟 Lachlan proceeded to walk over to them and poke Mitch's stomach and look at Vikks.

"You bof got um!!!"

All three looked at Jerome, "Biigguummss?!?!?!?"

"Chill out guys. We all have one. It's your belly button," Jerome said. The three toddlers looked at Jerome. Preston looked at Rob and Tobi looked and Josh. Harry had fallen sleep.

The older boys sighed and pulled up their shirts to show that belly buttons were not dangerous. Vikklan ran over to Jerome and proceed to poke his.

Mitch started to cry. Simon stood up, holding Harry "Mitch what's wrong?"

"STUUUUCCCKKK," Mitch wailed.

Simon shifted Harry to his hip and pulled Mitch's shirt down. "Better?"

"Mm hmm," Mitch said tearfully.

Simon smiled as he took Harry back to his crib. Jerome pull laughed as the Lachlan and Vikk poked at his stomach. Rob dressed Preston and Josh let go of Tobi. Tobi ran to Jerome to poke his stomach.


Hope y'all enjoy this. I still don't know how many updates there will because of tests.

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