Profiling 2.0

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Okay so.... a little explanation. I have gotten a few comments asking that I keep the timeline like the Marvel one without mixing up the Agents of SHEILD and Thor Dark World and whatever. You know what I mean. So I am doing a different version of the chapter and will ask for you guys to comment which one you prefer. I'm going to wait a little bit before I delete any of the chapters that way more people can read and vote for which one. Also, read my other FANFICTION and comment if you think I should enter it in a competition.


The S.H.E.I.L.D Headquarters were buzzing with action. Each computer was occupied by either an Agent or an asset. It was a typical day for the agency, saving people, hunting mysterious objects. All in a day's work. Except for one particularly flustered agent. She was trying to run but her heels and tight pencil skirt only allowed her to walk briskly. She was sweating slightly, her palms clammy. She was new to the agency, assigned a bunch of Cold Cases to recategorized and assign intelligence levels to ease her into the job. It was supposed to be an easy assignment, no live action. Until she got a hit. A hit on a target the had evaded them for nearly a decade.

She left her cubicle, pushing past the other office workers. She fumbled around, trying to grasp her I.D tag to go to the elevator. It would be her first time in the upper levels. Where the real agents and specialists would check in. It was intimidating for her. She swallowed the lump in her through as the guards checked her I.D once more. The file in her hands began to feel very heavy. The large man nodded to her, stepping aside as the large glass doors opened. She didn't gawk at the room for she was on her own mission. Finding Agent Coulson.

He was talking to Agent Maria Hill, an inspiration to the new girl. They were talking in hushed tones, almost frustrated. The young woman didn't get very close, awkwardly standing there, waiting for them to notice her.

"Um...Agent Coulson...There is uh-ther is something you need to see." They both turned to her. Their eyes immediately dropped to her I.D. tag and their eyebrows furrowed at the number. She wasn't cleared for access to this room.

"What is it?"

"Um...It's about one of the Cold Cases I was assigned..."

"If there is a problem you should speak to you department manager..."

"No! It's-it's not something like that. There was a hit sir. A hit on one of your cases." This got their attention. Agent Coulson turned to Agent Hill. They had a silent conversation and she left soon after. Coulson walked up to the nervous woman, finally noticing the file in her hands.

"Is that the file?"

"Yes Sir." She handed it over to him. She waited there, awkwardly rocking back and forth on her heels.

Agent Coulson on the other hand was shocked at the file handed. He had honestly forgotten about this one. It hadn't seemed top priority at the time. But now with the new discoveries since Thor's arrival, he was starting to rethink his past analysis.

S.H.I.E.L.D Cold Case 22149

Date: 07/26/2008

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