Chapter 23: Sophie (Unknown)

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         "WHAT?!" I yell, then regret it, I don't know how long I've been broken but it seems like a while because my thought really hurts, Again!

"Yes, that's correct."

"Well it felt, empty. I can't describe it, just black, dark, lonely." I say trying not to think about it. "Now I'll ask a question, how long have I been broken?"

Grady and Edaline shared a look. "Four weeks." Elwin finally says.

"WHAT!!!!!!!!!!?????" I yell again. "Oh my gosh! This is awful!"

"That's why we need to get you hydrated and fed." Elwin grabbed a box that had about 7 bottles of youth and a bunch of squelchberries.

"Great..." I mutter.

"Do you remember what you were doing before you broke?" Biana asks which made me realize. all of Team Valiant and Linh, Tam and Marella were here.

"I was looking through maps and old memories of Keefe..." I admit.

"What woke you up?" Dex asks.

"Well, someone was calling my name, it was REALLY loud. Like Silveny level loud." I say.

"We had Silveny in here because of your telepathic connection," Linh said.

"But that was a week ago," Wylie says and then suggested,  "Maybe time works differently there."

"Brilliant!" Mr. Forkle cheers.

"Really!? Thank you!" Wylie replies.

Elwin flashed through lights on his glasses, "bad news Sophie, you're going to have to stay here for a couple of days."

"No!! I need to get stuff done!" I complain, but I know I'm not going to get anywhere.

"Sorry rules are rules," Sandor squeaked.

"Fineeeeee." I groan.

"I'll stay with you!" Biana said.

"Me too!" Linh agreed.

"Me three!" Marella echoed.

"Girls night!" They all squeal.

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