Chapter 14; Light

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I came home to a bright smile that enlightens the darkest areas of my day. Beautiful Shelly slaps her feet as she takes her first few steps towards me. What a sight, my baby girl obtaining a life gift, one of the many methods of progressing in her pathway set. Once I said I wanted magic, something to bring light into life. Now I got it, my hearts flames no longer burn strife. I have two lights, one is Shelly and the other June. While our star is brightened, the brightest light is yet to come soon.

Stars burn brighter with every ounce of joy.

The smiles of young children, every girl and boy.

I love them all yet this one is a gift to my soul.

While Shelly sees her first light, my heart turns white, transforming from coal.

The blackest eternity of our life together, is only a mist we walk through.

While all the moments we had we've remembered, and all the love we've shared too.

Shelly a separate star, one in which will shine greater.

A girl with beauty from afar, eyes sparked when they saw later.

I vow again and again but it will never cover.

My joy head to toe and I will only let go, when you find another lover.



So poetically this is describing Shelly's childhood, and how she is just starting to see the lights of love and how her star will burn brighter than all of ours someday.

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