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Dear siblings,

Stay yourselves. Don't let Dad influence you or Mom dote on your every need. Be independent and strong. Be lions. Chase down your prey in packs and take the food you need. Leave the rest to the vultures. Let them pick apart your leftovers, the scraps you don't want. Be in charge of your pride, but listen to the other lions. Take advice where it's necessary, but don't let them change who you are. Keep your values in check and don't let anyone push you around and out of your pride, my little lions.

Soar through the skies like eagles. Dive to the bottom of the ocean. Explore the world and what's around you, small as the spiders you like to put on my face to freak me out and big as the elephants that we love to watch for hours at the zoo. You are the loves of my life and I cherish you so much.

You might understand what's happening now. You might get snippets of shouted arguments or whispered secrets. You might not even realize that you know. But one day you will. Mom and Dad will explain it when you're older, why I am the way I am and what's been happening and what will happen and what could happen. I hope nothing like this happens to you. Be brave, my little lions. Be brave and strong and independent and beautiful and kind and smart. Feast on your prey and your accomplishments. Grow as people and never be cruel to anyone, be nice. Encourage other people and yourselves. Challenge yourselves. Don't be like me. Don't be like anyone. Be yourselves. I know you'll be amazing.



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