Chapter 47- My Guardian Angel of Nightmares

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Whoa Baby

Chapter 48- My Guardian Angel of Nightmares

"Close your eyes and pretend it's all a bad dream. That's how I get by."- Jack Sparrow

It was about eleven o'clock in the morning by the time I figured and planed my whole day out. My parents weren't around, and SJ had a random day off- random because it's Thursday. My dad and brother went off to the city to visit my aunt and uncle, and my mother is at a conference. So being the good daughter I am, I wanted them to come home to a nice home cooked meal that I made for them. The only problem is, I didn't figure out what I wanted to make yet.

Entering the grocery store, I place Colton in his carrier on the cart, making sure he was secure before driving off. I didn't mind going to the grocery story. I tend to go during the week in the morning because not many people are around other than some old folks. It's usually quiet and I can get through the list fast.

I head to the dairy aisle first, grabbing cheese, yogurt, milk, and cream. Rushing through that aisle since all the fridges are open, making it one of the coldest aisles. I turn to the cereal and granola bar aisle, almost deciding to skip the aisle when I recognized someone standing there. Probably seeing me from the corner of his eye, his head turns to me, slightly shocked seeing me there too.

Well, this could either turn out horribly and humiliating or an actually decent conversation. Coming from Drake though, it could be something unexpectedly annoying.

"Well if it isn't Little Miss. Church girl. Fancy seeing you out of your dungeon." Drake says, already poking fun. I grin, turning my cart to stroll down the aisle, looking for my favorite cereal bars. He looks over at Colton in the carrier, cracking a smile and adding, "It's a whole new world out here Johnny Jr! Fresh air and sunlight!" Now that I couldn't help but crack a grin at. Minus the whole Johnny Jr thing.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, finding it so shocking yet amusing that Drake was at a grocery store, buying groceries. I figured it wasn't something he'd ever do.

"Buying food just like everyone else. I got to live somehow." He says, trying to look tough as he tells me so, "Yeah, my mom told me to pick up a few things, you know, helping her out."

"Huh, I guess you bad boys of Avon aren't totally bad. Such mama's boys though." I giggle, grabbing SJ's favorite cereal off the shelf, throwing it over the carrier, and into the cart.

"All so stereotypical." He says, shaking his head.

"Can I ask you something?" I question, pushing the cart and hoping he'd follow me.

"Preacher's girl asking me a question? Well call the man upstairs, this ought to be a first." Drake kids, realizing I was moving along and so he followed.

I rolled my eyes at his silliness, but continued on what was on my mind, "So I know you and JC are friends and all, and I doubt you'll tell me anything, because you know that whole bros before whatever-"

"You calling yourself a hoe?" Drake snickers, interrupting me loudly, "By God, Johnny was right. You are too religious to say anything in that realm of words. Even if it is the least obscene word to use. How does one live-"

"Can we stop picking on me for three minutes?" I interrupt back, holding my hand up for him to stop. He shuts his mouth, raising his hands in the air as a form of surrender, and nodding his head to me to continue, "As I was saying, I know you two are friends, and you probably won't tell me what going on with him, but I just need to know. Is it something I should be worried about? I mean he must talk to you about it. He's got to talk to someone about it and I don't think he'll ever tell me what's wrong because he wants to seem like he's got it under control." I take a deep breath, stopping the carriage and turning to him, "Do I even want to know?"

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