Chapter 2 : Getting Comfy

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Chapter 2 : Getting Comfy

The room lay in darkness, and the persistent croaking of ravens outside, as usual, hindered your chances of a restful night's sleep that you undeniably craved. Yet, here you are, pacing to and fro in the faintly illuminated room, attempting to organize your thoughts and come to terms with the altered reality that now confronts you.

Inhaling deeply, you commenced to vocalize your thoughts, "Alright, let's take a moment, Y/N. Stay calm. You met your stupid demise all thanks to Truck-kun and somehow, in a more stupid way, had entered into some sort of deal with Death. Probably"

Halting your pacing abruptly, you continued, "And naturally, for some reason, I've been either reborn or transported into the universe of one of my beloved anime series. Now, I'm the daughter of the most formidable swordsman and have some kind of cat magic powers?!"

Are you fucking kidding me? The powers of a magic cat? What does that even mean!

Does that mean you can purr now and have the urges to push things off the table? Ridiculous!

Letting out a sigh that could rival a deflating balloon, you began tugging at your hair as if it held the secrets of the universe.

However, your follicular exploration came to a stop as an odd sensation graced the crown of your head. Your index finger tentatively embarked on a journey, encountering fluffiness of epic proportions.

You bolted to the opposite end of the room in a frantic quest to light up the darkness. Racing back to the dresser table, you eagerly gazed into the mirror.

Your intuition had hit the bullseye.

Lo and behold, two triangles emerged, akin to the architectural marvels of the feline world – yes, you've got yourself a pair of bona fide cat ears!

As you beheld your reflection, a look of sheer disbelief painted across your features, the once-normal ear had transformed into an absurdly adorable, fluffy appendage, adorned with white-tipped elegance.

This new addition seemed to have a personality of its own, playfully mirroring your expressions with twitchy enthusiasm.

A blood-curdling scream erupted from your throat, its echoes seemingly traversing every nook and cranny of the castle. Your expression bore the marks of sheer terror, yet you found yourself compelled to steal another glance at your reflection, as if trying to internalize this new reality. Your eyes were golden emerald color, while your appearance had taken a detour into the realm of the utterly unrealistic standard.

Your figure had morphed into a state of considerable curviness, boasting proportions that could rival even the famed assets of Nami and Robin. However, a peculiar twist differentiated you from them: your thighs were undeniably on the thicker side.

Your hair held a very long, inky tresses cascaded down, adorned with a streak of white midway through, like a dramatic monochrome canvas.

A sudden cacophony of sound erupted as the door swung wide open, revealing your freshly acquired father figure, who appeared to have sprinted his way there, if his heavy panting was any indication.

His hand remained suspended in mid-air, frozen in its push-pull motion on the bedroom door, his face etched with a mixture of astonishment and trepidation.

"Gatita, what's wrong?!"

You started tearing up and thought to yourself, 'He really loves his daughter doesn't he..'

A river of tears flowed from your eyes, accompanied by an unfortunate eruption of nasal discharge, as you sobbed uncontrollably. "The cat ear... it just popped out of nowhere! I don't know what's happening, Dad!" you wailed, your distress evident in every trembling word.

The Swordsman's Cat ( Zoro X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now