Love of my Life

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"Fuck, I'm really nervous," Lizzie sighed, her hands shaking in mine as we sat in the waiting room of her first therapy session.

"You're going to be fine," I tried to assure her, giving her hand a gentle squeeze but failing miserably as her breath then picked up and she began lightly hyperventilating next to me.

Taking some deep breaths in and out she slowed it down on her own and then leaned back in her chair, our hands still intertwined in her lap.

"What's it like?" she asked, looking at the fish tank.

"They're just going to ask you some questions about why you're here; they'll ask about your family, and you need to be 100% honest. It won't help you if you lie," I explained, "they will also ask you if you have ever hurt yourself, and again-"

"Be honest," she finished.

I nodded in agreement and squeezed her hand three times, "I promise that the thought is so much worse than the actual session."

"Yeah," she sighed, "I might cry."

"You can cry," I smiled, "no one is going to judge you for crying. I used to cry all the time in my sessions."

She nodded as her eyes followed the fish around the tank.

"Why do they always put fish in settings like this," she observed.

"So, you can pretend to be a fish and not care about life's problems," I replied.

"Really?" she asked.

"No," I giggled, "I have no idea why they do that."

"Oh," she laughed, "I almost believed you for a second."

"You did believe me," I smirked.

"Elizabeth Olsen?" An older blonde woman asked us.

Lizzie nodded and stood up, dropping my hand.

"Hi, I'm Dr Montgomery but please call me Candy," the woman smiled, "is this your girlfriend? Sister?"

"Girlfriend," Lizzie smiled, shotting me a loving look.

"I'm Y/N," I introduced, shaking her hand before relaxing back in my seat and looking at Lizzie, "it's going to be okay, I'll be here the whole time," I told her.

She nodded again and gave me a small smile before following Dr Montgomery out of the waiting room and through some double doors. When I was now on my own, I looked around and read some of the help posters before two other women walked in the room and sat down opposite me. One of the girls couldn't have been older than 13 and her mum sat with her. The younger girl gave me a sad smile and then did exactly what Lizzie did and fixed her eyes in the fish tank, watching them all swim around. I pulled out my book and flicked to the page I was last reading. I am currently reading Six times we almost kissed and it has been amazing so far. The girl in front of me cleared her throat and I picked my head up and smiled at her.

"How far into it are you?" she asked.

"I'm on Chapter 26 I think, have you read it?" I smiled.

She nodded, "I love it, do you read a lot of queer books?"

"I do," I replied sweetly, "I'm studying English at UCL at the moment."

"I'd love to study English," she smiled wide.

"I definitely recommend it, I've got to read loads of books I'd never have picked up otherwise," I explained.

"America Chavez?" another therapist called out.

"Yeah," she spoke up, "it was nice to meet you ..."

"Y/N," I smiled, "it was nice to meet you too America."

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