Shaq Man #4 | First Blood

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     "How's the weather up there? " Laughed a teenager who was walking in the city with his friends.
     "Uh... It's... Ok? " Shaq replied, confused and surprised. The boys laughed and walked away. Shaq wasn't used to being tall, he had always been 5'9.
     Shaq continued walking down the semi-crowded city street. Shaq overlooked the boy's petty remarked and kept walking. As he walked he saw many people staring at him. He was very tall after all.
     Shaq wondered what he should do with his new found strength and height as he walked.
     I could do body building competitions! Nah. Oh, I could do basketball! Nah, I don't like basketball. Thought Shaq.
Shaq was so engulfed in though that as he walked he didn't even notice the active armed robbery going on right next to him.
     Oh no. Thought Shaq as he looked at the scene next to him. All the other people on the sidewalk had evacuated, except him.
     "'Ey! Friggin' Goliath! Get on the friggin' ground! " Yelled on of the two robbers.
     Shaq pointed at himself and looked around.
     "Yeah! You! Get down! " The robber pointed his pistol at Shaq.
     Shaq began lowering to the ground, but it was too late, and the robber shot a round right at Shaq's chest.
     Shaq braced for impact, but he didn't feel a thing.
     What just happened? Shaq asked himself. Looking down, he saw a scrunched up piece of metal. Shaq kneeled down and picked it up. It wasn't just any scrunched up piece of metal, it was a bullet! The bullet!
     "What the fu-" Shaq cut the robber off.
     "No way! Look at this! " Shaq exclaimed excitedly. He walked fast towards the robber.
     When he got to the robber, Shaq put his arm around him and showed him the bullet, "See that? How cool is that? "
     The robber pointed his gun at Shaq again. "Bullet proof jacket, 'eh? This time I'll go for the head! "
     "Yeah do it! " Shaq said, slightly scaring everyone in store. The robber pointed up at Shaq's head.
     The robber unloaded all of the bullets in the magazine of his pistol onto Shaq.
     Shaq laughed like a guy who just pulled a rare baseball card. "Ok, now you guys are dead. "
     Shaq punched one robber as the other continued shooting.
The people in the store ran out and the woman at the counter clicked the panic button as Shaq continued to absolutely demolish the two robbers.
     Eventually the two robbers threw their guns at him and begged to be spared.
     "I wasn't gonna kill you guys, " Laughed Shaq, "alright get out of here you two. "
     The robbers ran right at the door, and right in the arms of the police.
     Shaq himself slipped out before anyone could catch him. Which was kind of odd because he's 7 feet tall.

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