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~ Kamila's Pov~

I woke up to the biggest headache known to man. "Wake up" I slapped Jere on the arm "jeez man why you gotta hit me" he groaned. "Why would you not give me medicine or water last night" I got up changing into some sweatpants and a crop top making a huge mess in the process. "Your like a little kid the way you just throw around clothes trynna get an outfit picked out" He sneered.

I went downstairs to go make pancakes for myself. I sat down enjoying my meal. "Where's our plates?" Steven questioned "nigga I'm not yo momma and thanks to Jere I have a huge hang over" I continue to stuff my mouth with fluffy goodness. Steven rolled his eyes and heated up some eggos, Miah walked in and Steven just scoffed at him. "What's his deal" he sat next to me "I told him your the cause of nobody having breakfast because you decided to not give my Tylenol" I sarcastically smiled. He open his mouth in shock "STEVEN ITS NOT MY FAULT" he got up and walked to wherever Steven was.

I was watching The Wizz before I was interrupted by a female voice entering the house. I looked back to see Jeremiah opening the door to some girl I've never seen before. "Hey Riah I didn't know you were here" he said giving her a hug inviting her in. I just scoffed and turned back around to try and enjoy my movie."Riah meet Kamila, Kamila meet Riah" he smiled completely ignoring my dirty looks. I waved and decided I was just going to go for a run. "I'm gonna go for a run I'll see you guys later" I said angrily smiling at Jeremiah for hugging her and being all friendly.

I changed into some legging and a sports bra with my airmax. I was about 5 minutes in to my run before my thoughts slowly started to flow through my mind. 'I mean she doesn't know we're together so I can't really be mad at her but like why did he have to be all friendly.' I put in my airpods and let the music flow through, easing my mind.

It was now about 7pm and she was still over I decided to stay in our room so I didn't have to be around them. I could hear everything that they were saying from the room and I hated it, so I took it to my advantage. I decided to strip down to my bra and underwear so whenever he came up to the room I would be the first thing he saw. I was wearing a matching set which made it even more sexier.

"I'm gonna grab my charger" he said to her "I'll come with" why is she following him like a puppy? I was too deep in thought that I couldn't  put on a hoodie to cover myself by the time it clicked that I needed to it was already to late. "Yeah that song is great-" they both walked in with wide eyes. "Oh um sorry I should go" she said running down stairs "Riah wait" he said trying to run after her "no it's fine really" she walked out. I smirked, my plan went south but it worked out anyways.

"What the fuck Kamila" he sounded pissed "what?" I said acting dumb. "You just made her run away and we're probably never gonna talk again" he said shaking his head "oops" I said shrugging. "Why would you do that" he said pacing back and fourth "it's not like I knew she was gonna come with you like a damn puppy. Why does it matter anyway not like you guys were close" we sat in silence for a couple seconds before I continued "actually you guys did seem pretty close" I put on my sweats and shorts again. "You know it wasn't like that" he shot me a glare "I don't know it's not like I can trust you" my voice trailed off. "Really Kamila your gonna use that against me" he sounded hurt "you know that was a mistake that I'm trying to fix" he walked out. "Where are you going" I followed after him "anywhere but here." I scoffed "yeah go back to that bitch Riah's. Go get drunk and fuck her to" I slammed the bedroom door shut.

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