part 1

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Just read my child M×M also i will do parts when I get more ideas if u want to help out with ideas I will look into them at if I do use them I'll mention ur name just to show my love to u my children  (u probably won't because I'm a horrible Arthur and it's my first time writing a book on here) i love u my children im adopting u guys so i am now ur father :D

As I drive down the campus road I can see other students walking in and out of the main lobby I look at my dorm room key I can my student ID on the passenger seat almost forgetting it there.
I get up out of my car and put in my head phones and I make my way to the main lobby to got to my dorm. After spending some time wondering the halls looking for my dorm I see a group of guys in my path, I look at the and I make eye contact with the biggest guy there he looks to be like 5'8 - 5'9 my gay ass looking away and turning up my music so I can't hear my soundings or to just avoid the group of guys a few feet away now
I pick up my pase and scramble to unlock the dorm door realizing it was unlocked the whole time I cuss to myself as I walk in the room in emberassment.

  (Jays pov)
As I talk with my friends, I suddenly get distracted by the guy who I made eye contact with scrambles away into my dorm room. My dumbass realizing that he has the same dorm as me.
I have the urge to follow him to see what he was up to but my friends snap me back into reality and asking if I listened to them at all I say yes but in reality I couldn't stop thinking of the guys face. I laughed to myself as I hear him cuss to himself realizing the dorm was unlocked. I tell my friends I'll hang out with them a little later as I go into my dorm to see what the guy was up to.

(Fritzs Pov)
I walk into the dorm I look around and it looks like a small house on the inside. As I look around my stomach growled and I remember that I skipped breakfast in was no 1 pm so I head to the kitchen to make something to eat as I'm cooking I hear the dorm door open and close and in instinct I grabbed the knife from the counter thinking someone was already breaking into my dorm I snuck to the wall of the kitchen waiting to see this mistory person appear.
I hear the footsteps grow loud as I jump out from behind the wall with the knife my arm with the knife gets grabbed and I am met face to face with the guy I made eye contact with my face turns red as I scramble away and look at my feet apologizing over and over again for forgiveness. I hear him laugh and say it was fine. I kept my head tords the ground as I ask what his name was as I made my way to my food.
He says "Jay, what's ur name?"
I trip over my words a bit as I tell him my name. I lookup and see him smiling,my knees felt weak. He said "welp I gtg now see ya later roomie" and he walked out the dorm"

(A few hours later)
It's been a few hours but during that time I unpacked all of my stuff in my room and organized it and after that clean the dorm.
I got bored after I cleaned the dorm and sat down on the couch to watch a movie I kept clicking through the movies until I got a horror movie called the "Exorcist"
My cousin always watched it on Friday night or movie nights bc she loves the movie so I decided to watch it.
25 mins into the movie I am already tired so I decide to go to my room and sleep.

(Jays pov)
I hang out with my friends but the whole time I keep thinking about what Fritz it's doing and I keep thinking about how beautiful he looked.
It's around midnight now so I tell my friends I'ma head out and I leave their dorm room and start heading tords my dorm I unlock the door and I look around and I see that he cleaned up a bit while I was gone I shrug and head down the small hallway tords my room and I see fritzs room door is slightly open idk y but I had the urge to just peek in just a quick peek I tell myself.
I stick my head in through the door way and I see that he's asleep I laugh to myself when I see that he is almost falling off his bed, I thought about waking him up and him fixing himself so he doesn't fall but then I didn't want to wake him up so I stood there for a min trying to figure out how to fix him with out waking him up.
As I am thinking he moved a bit and he started to fall off even more so I run over and stopped him from falling with my arms he was still dead asleep so I decided to just lift him up onto his bed and put his blanket over him. As I was putting the blanket over him I could smell his perfume, it smelt like coconut and cherry blossoms. I stand up straight and start walking out his room to go to my room then as I reach the door way I look back and I could see his sweet face.
I smile to myself and say under my breath "sweet dreams" and heaf off to my room.

( 1 an a half passes by)
I stare at the ceiling thinking about what I was going to do later and I roll over,
I hear light footsteps walking around so I get up and walk out my room and I see Fritz singing to himself and getting a snack,
I cross my arms and lean on the wall watching him do his thing.

(Fritzs Pov)
I wake up and I am a little hungry so I get up put my ear buds in my ears and walk out of my room And make my way to the kitchen I sing to myself quietly so I didn't wake Jay up.
Then I paused and my face turned red just thinking about him so I shake my head and turn around to head back to my room I am looking at the floor when I bump it to Jay my whole world froze when I saw him stand smiling. I studder asking how long he was standing there watching me and he said a couple of mins.
I pause then I say "oh uh ok I'ma go back to my room now" I start walking away tords my room and before I could walk in Jay grabs my arm lightly and was about to say something but the said "nvm-" and walked tords his room  i watch him walk away tords his room and when i saw the door close i quitely sheek to myself and my fave is redder then a tomato.
I couldn't sleep after so I decided to call my best friend Missy

( a couple of hours later)
I hear a knock on my room door so I tell Missy I'll call her back and she hangs up the phone while I said "come in" i see jay walk in the room I say "hey whatsup u need somthing?" He stood there for a min and says under his breath "can I sleep in here?" I couldn't hear him so a ask him if he could speak up a bit and he repeated what he said and I could feel my face grow red.
I paused for a min then I finally said "yeah-sure I don't mind" i think to my self WHAT AM I THINKING?!.
Jay walks over slowly and lays down on the bed and falls asleep soon after. I sit on my bed looking at him thinking why did he want to sleep in my room. I mean I'm not complaining but like I was curious but he was dead asleep in seconds so I just let him be, I get up and I go to the bean bags I had in my room and I slept on them while listening to music.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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