Going home

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You sat anxiously bouncing your leg as you waited for Jean to arrive at the hotel as you googled "How to make cocaine effects wear off faster" to no avail. Eren sat casually scrolling on his phone across the room and eventually you got a text from Jean.

Jean: I'm outside.

                                        Y/n: Coming

You stood up and walked quickly out the door with Eren trailing behind you as you made your way to exit the hotel. The judgy old workers eyes following you as you both left the lobby. You stepped outside to see Jean in his nice black car and you walked over towards it and you watched as his tall figure stepped out of the car and over towards you. He grabbed you by the shoulders as he gazed down at you with a concerned look on his face. You looked away sheepishly in an attempt to hide your dialated pupils but his large hand grabbed your cheek as he turned you to look up at him, causing your hair to fall behind your shoulder exposing your neck. His honey brown eyes scanning yours as he furrowed his eyebrows and his eyes trailed down to your neck where Eren had left a hickey that you had forgotten about. Then he raised his eyes to notice Eren walking out of the hotel and you noticed his expression turn into anger as he stared at Eren.

He let go of you as he stepped towards Eren stopping him.

"Of course you're the one who gave her drugs you fucking piece of shit." Jean said in a low gritty voice as he stood closely over Eren

"Good to see you too Jean-boy." Eren said with a smile

Jean got closer to Eren and spoke in a voice so low you couldn't make out his voice 

"You took advantage of her while you had her drugged up didn't you?" Jean said closely into Erens ear as his eyes burned into Erens and you noticed his veiny fists clenched 

Erens cocky smile dropped. "Why don't you ask her" He nodded his head over in your direction.

Jean turned his head to look over at you from the side, "Did he touch you?" He said coldly

"No, nothing happened. Can we just get home please?" You said attempting to relieve the tension

Eren pushed past Jean harshly bumping his shoulder as he walked to the car and got in the back seat.

Jean turned with that same cold look in his eyes as he walked over to the car and opened the passenger door, indicating for you to get in. You took up his offer and climbed into the passenger seat and he closed the door after you. Jean made his way to the trunk of his car and grabbed a blanket out. He got in the drivers seat and set the blanket in your lap.

"It's gonna be a long drive so try and sleep it off. He said without looking in your direction as he pulled off onto the highway. The drive was long and quiet but you eventually did drift off to sleep.

You were awoken in the parking lot of your apartment complex to the smell of vanilla and Jean gently shaking you.

"You're home" He said softly. And you fluttered your eyes awake. You felt a moment of tranquility and safe in Jeans presence before the events of everything that's happened in the past two days rushed back to you and that pleasant feeling left you as quickly as it had come. You sat upright as grabbed the door handle and stepped out of the car. Jean got out too and he walked you up to your apartment. When you got to your door he spoke.

"I don't know whats wrong with Sasha and Connie but just call me if you need help, okay? Anytime and I'll pick up." He said and you nodded. His big arms wrapped around you and he pulled you into a hug. You stood there stiff for a moment then you rested your head on his chest and melted into the warmth of his embrace as he rested his chin on your head. Then he released you and stepped away and offered a small smile as he turned and headed back down the stairs to his car.

You realized from the lingering familiar vanilla musk smell of his cologne that you still had his blanket wrapped around you so you jogged over to call out to him in the parking lot 

"Jean. I still have your blanket" You shouted

"Keep it." He replied and he got back into his car

You smiled to yourself then walked back over to your apartment and twisted the knob. Your heart dropped and you were frozen in place upon the sight when you opened that door. 


Jean Got back into his car and drove silently with Eren still in the back seat. He glared at him through the rear view mirror then started the car and drove off towards their fraternity house.

When they had arrived Jean stepped out of the car and over to side where Eren was sitting as Eren opened the car door and Jean immediately grabbed him by the collar of his shirt and yanked him out of the car and slammed him up against the vehicle

"If I catch you with her again I'll fucking kill you" Jean said in a low cold voice 

"She already fucking told you I didn't do anything" Eren said angrily shoving Jean off of him

Then without warning, Eren felt the impact of Jeans fist pound into his jaw and the feeling of the cold concrete hit his head before everything went black.

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