Welcome to your New Timeline.

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(Swears may be included or almost said)

Here is one of the many realms... Here was Ruin Eclipse, doing his best to clean up the ruins of the daycare.

"Oh... Clean up clean up....This place is in such a terrible state.." He mumbles while he spots something shiny in the corner of his eye. "Wait... What is that?" He asked himself as he walked over to check what that shiny thing was, When he arrived he found a small shiny coin with a symbol on it, he tried to look at it further... Right until a portal opened under his feet, he fell right through the portal.

"OH FU-" Was the last thing he was able to say before falling straight through the portal.

Meanwhile... In another realm

"Redsun! Make sure you don't drop that!" A character named BloodYang yelled out as he settled down a box on a counter, that Redsun was having a bit of a struggle with some really heavy boxes

"I will I will.. Now stop shouting because I'm pretty sure your brother is asleep" Redsun said with an unamused tone as he set down the boxes on the floor next to the counter. "Right sorry sorry! But you have to be careful with those because they're quite important for the place that we set up" BloodYang said as he opened a box after it was placed on where he wanted it to be.

"I don't even want to question what's inside. But I'll see you later Yang, I need to check on something back at home." Redsun said as he headed out the door, "Okay! See you tomorrow Redsun, Say Hi to Floaty for me!" BloodYang said before Redsun left....., After some while, there was a swoosh sound outside. "Huh?" Bloodyang's head perked up and looked around... It was empty, "Guess it's just my imagination," He said to himself as he went back to what he was doing. Unaware that Redsun just got taken by a portal.

As we head to another au... Here was Broken Eclipse.

"Hmm...Maybe I can do this.." He said as they tried to reattach their ripped-off left bottom arm, but he yelped in pain as he let go of their still broken arm.

"Dangit... If only I had someone or some tools to fix this" He grumbled, as he grabbed their arm again and just carried it beside them for now. Right when he heard something metal falling, he turned around and saw a toolkit, he asked themself who'd just leave a toolkit lying around but he didn't question it when he looked around and saw nothing but darkness as they grabbed the toolkit, right until they were dragged into the portal and he also dropped the toolkit in the process.

All three Eclipses were thrown out of portals into a new timeline...
Some fall out more comedically than most.

In this Superstar Daycare, Broken Eclipse(Or Broke for short) fell out of a portal first and a lot smoother since they were rather tall, "Oh hey I'm here now 'v' " He said to himself before he heard another portal open above him. He looked up and saw Eclipse fall. 

"HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP-" Eclipse screeched out right before he coincidentally fell into Broke's upper arms. "Oh hi there ._." Eclipse said as he looked at Broke who was beyond confused, "Hello to you to uhh...What's your name fellow?" They asked, slightly tilting their head, "Oh- I'm uh, Eclipse, and you are?" He asked in turn, "I'm Broke! It's lovely to meet you" Broke said as he placed Eclipse down before suddenly...

Another Portal opened up and Redsun fell through, By rather code instinct, Eclipse quickly ran and caught Redsun, not without also his body breaking down due to not much maintenance on his body.

"Ow- That's gonna collapse later.." Eclipse mumbled as Redsun quickly got out of his arms, "Sorry about that, and thank you for catching me but where are we?" Redsun said, seeming...rather uninterested in knowing who the other two are which is rather rude.

The other two Eclipse thought it was a little rude but Eclipse didn't particularly want to speak about it but Broke sure wasn't, "First, please tell who us you are, it's rather rude to not introduce yourself" They said, staring down at Redsun, "I-..." Redsun was going to protest in not wanting to introduce himself but he had to oblige. "Fine, I'm Redsun. And you two are..?" He replied, asking who they were in turn to get it over with. "I'm Broke, pleased to meet you Redsun," Broke said with a smile, "And I'm Eclipse," Eclipse said standing beside Broke.

"But you are correct before you didn't introduce yourself...I don't think any of us know where we are.." Broke thought out loud while making a thinking expression. The other two Eclipses also started thinking with Broke, all three trying to wonder where in timelines name they're in...Right until a hyper-robotic voice spoke interrupting their train of thought.

"Hello Eclipses! Welcome to your new timeline. :)"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2023 ⏰

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