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Not being able to sleep is the one of the worst things. Not being able to sleep while on a case is the worst. I walked down the hallway with a cup of coffee in my hand while my eyelids drooped. Hotch walked next to me, he had clearly gotten a full nights sleep. I haven't been able to have a good nights sleep for 2 weeks. "Can you run these files to JJ?" He asked me.

"Sure." I mumbled.

"You ok?" He asked, handing me the files.

"Mhm." I was struggling to understand him.

"You sure?"

"Yeah...I don't need a psych evaluation." I let out a tired laugh and turned around, heading towards the conference room was JJ was, gazing at our evidence board with a confused expression on her face. "Hi Jayje. Hotch told me to give these to you." I said in a quiet voice.

"Thanks. Are you ok?"

"Yeah." I leaned against the table next to her and zoned out while looking at the evidence board.

"Babe, can I have some of your coffee?"

"What coffee?"

"The coffee you're holding."

"Oh. Sure." I held it out to her and she took it, taking a sip.

"Are you sure you're ok."


"That's the least convincing 'mhm' I've ever heard." She turned to her side and crossed her arms. "What's bugging you?"

"What?" I turned away from the board.

"Ok, let's sit down." When I started walking to the chair I stumbled a little bit. She caught me and I mumbled a thank you before sitting down. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I covered my mouth while I yawned. "I need to go to the bathroom." I stood up but must've passed out because everything went black.

"Honey?" JJ rushed to my side and shook me until I woke up.

"Hi." I mumbled, staring up at the ceiling.

"Hi." She put her hand on the side of my cheek. "I'm going to get you some water, ok?"

"I don't need water."

"Ok? What do you need?"

"I need to sleep." I sat up slowly and hugged my knees to my chest. "I can't sleep. No matter how hard I try." She rubbed my back.

"Well, this case is disturbing and we've been on it for a long time."

"I know."

"I've been running on one hour of sleep a night for this whole case."

"Honey, I'm so sorry. You should've told me."

"How would you have helped? I've tried everything."

"You could've stayed in my hotel room and we could've cuddled." I smiled lightly and shrugged. "It helps, believe me it does."

"I know." I rested my chin on my knees and sighed.

"I'll talk to Hotch, we can go back to the hotel and sleep."


"You need to sleep honey." She kissed my cheek and helped me stand up. We walked outside and she made a signal to Hotch and the minutes blurred together until we were in bed.

"You don't have to be shy baby, we've cuddled before." I kissed her softly and moved closer to her. She put her hand under my shirt and drew small shapes on my stomach while she lovingly kissed down my neck. It wasn't sexual at all, she just wanted me to relax. I let out a content sigh and closed my eyes. She hummed against my neck and hugged me closer to her, still kissing my neck and tracing shapes on my stomach. I fell asleep in 10 minutes.

"Good morning honey." I opened my eyes and saw that during my sleep I had completely climbed on top of JJ and my head was resting on her stomach.

"Hi. What time is it?"


"I slept for 20 hours?" She nodded and scratched my head soothingly. I curled up and buried my face in her neck. "Can I sleep longer? Or do we have to go to work?"

"You can sleep. I called Hotch, he said we can take time off of the rest of the case."


"It's ok honey, you need rest." I sighed.

"Ok." I ran my hands under her shirt and rubbed her belly. "I love you."

"I love you too." She kissed the top of my head and I slept for 6 more hours.

Jennifer Jareau ImaginesМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя