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"So Jesus said it again, "with all the earnestness I possess I tell you this: unless you eat of the flesh of the messiah, and drink his blood, you can not hae enternal life within you."
                                                             John 6:53

I woke up feeling refreshed..

Good morning.. Isreal greeted as I turned around

While I got up, did my morning prayer, by thanking God for the gift of life and committing the day into his hands.

Then I went into the bathroom, and did my bussiness

What would you like to eat.. Isreal asked as I came out of the bathroom..

Ignoring him, I decied to take some clothes from the walk- in- coloset, and made my way to the bathroom..

I took my bath and then came out..

Then I came out, leaving the room I took my purse and left the room.

I decied to look for a Job today because ,Well I know I won't be here forever..

So, I'm going to look for a Job today..

Leaving the house, I took a cab to the nearest supermarket..

I payed the taxi driver and went into the supermarket

Excuse me, I said as I walked into the supermarket

Yes, how may I help you..

I want to apply for a Job, is there any vacancy.. I asked

Hmm.., yes actually.

Please give me a minute.. he said as he went through the computer..

You can go upstairs, you'll meet our manger, take two lefts and then turn right..

Thank you.. I said

I went to the place he directed for me to go, then knocked on the door in front of me..

Then I heard a small "come in"...

Good morning.. I said as I walked up to the man sitting behind a desk.

Yes, how may i help you.. He asked

I'm looking for a Job, and I heard there is a vacancy


Are you a graduate.. He asked


May I see your credentials..

I'm, I don't have them  with me..

Well, I'm sorry, but without your credentials, you can't get the Job..

Oh, well thank you..

I sighed leaving the managers office..

All my credentials are at home, and I mean my home, not the other one..

I  walked back to the front desk, and was about to thank the man for helping me..

Until, I bumbed into someone..

I turned around and saw a womn...

I'm sorry... I said apologising

Sorry.. The woman repeted

You bumbed into me, sorry won't change anything..


"Slap", My head turned the other way as her hand ran through my face..

You bitch.. she said


HOW DARE YOU!!!.. I heard a booming voice, as I turned around, and saw Isreal there with some bodygurds behind him..

And WHO are you calling a bitch..  He said with a treating tone..

The woman turned around and saw Isreal, and Immediately stoped..

sir-, Sir...

It's THIS woman.. she said pointing to me..

She bumbed-

Do you know that THIS WOMAN IS MY WIFE!!....

You have such an audacity...

Take her out of here, I want her to spend her remaining days in prison.. He said and one of the guards came foward, and dragged her out, while she kept screaming..

Shalom, let's go... Isreal said as he held my hand in his and lead ous..

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