Chapter Eighteen - Morning

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The next morning I was rudly awaken by sunlight as it flashed though the window. I hissed at the bright light and buried my face into the pillow as I heard Nubbins laugh

"Well good morning pretty girl"

He said and I moved my head just enough to look at him

"Sun too bright"

I grumbled and he laughed.

"I'll go make you some coffee"

He said, planting a kiss on my forehead before standing up. He pulled on his pants not bothering with the shirt before leaving the room. I heard the soft steps downstairs and finally sat up. I reluctantly pulled my blankets off before walking over to my dresser and pulling out a pair of panties before slipping them on and decided that if Nubbins wasn't gonna wear his shirt, I would. I picked it up and pulled it over my head, a logo from some band that Nubbins liked decorated the front. I fixed my hair and cleaned off my ruined makeup before walking downstairs. The smell of fresh coffee brought a smile to my face as I headed to the kitchen. I came over to Nubbins and leaned my head on his shoulder, he smiled at me and passed me a steaming cup of coffee. I took a sip and moaned at the warmth that filled me and the caffeine flowing through my veins. Nubbins finished pouring his cup before leading us to the dinning table. He sat down and I sat on the table infront of him

"You look good in my shirt"

He said and I smiled. I stood up and gave a twirl, letting him see my panties as the shirt lifted slightly

"But those panties look better on you"

He said and I giggled

"Really? I thought they looked better on the floor"

He gave me a playful glare and I giggled, sitting back on the table at I enjoyed my coffee. When I finished I walked upstairs to take a shower and Nubbins followed

"I'll be quick, you can watch TV or something while you wait"

I said standing in the bathroom doorway but Nubbins gave me a look


I said confused and he sighed with a smile

"Its kinda rude honestly"

He said and I tilted my head in confusion, he continued

"I mean you wouldn't even ask you're incredibly sweet, super handsome boyfriend to shower with you"

I playfully rolled my eyes and sent him a look

"Don't flatter yourself"

I said and he pouted at me

"... but you can shower with me"

I finished and a large smile came to his face as he gently pushed me into the bathroom, following close behind. I didn't have to worry about taking my clothes off as Nubbins was pulling the shirt over my head as soon as the door closed. I giggled and moved to turn on the shower and let it heat up as he removed his pants. I yelped slightly when he pulled my hips to him, my back pressed to his chest. He moved my hair over my shoulder and planted a soft kiss on my collar bone. I smiled leaning back into him as he reached down to gently pull my panties down my legs. Once done he moved infront of me to kiss my deeply, I kissed back with a smirk on my lips before pulling away.

"I said you could shower with me, I didn't say you could do anything else"

Nubbins laughed and looked down at me

"Are you gonna stop me?"

He asked and I looked up at him trying to hold back a smile but I didn't respond

"That's what I thought"

He said before pulling me with him as he stepped into the shower. The hot water burned just slightly as it touched my cold skin before It slowly eased my muscles and I sighed. I felt more at ease with Nubbins here especially when his hands refused to leave my waist. He helped me scrub my skin with my girly pink soap, and I giggled slightly as he did the same to himself, knowing he was gonna smell like roses now, reminding me I needed to buy him some of his own soap. I finished washing my hair and made sure Nubbins was done too before leaving the shower and tossing him a clean towel as I wrapped one around myself. Once I was dry enough I started doing my makeup as Nubbins headed to the room to grab some clean clothes that I had here for him. I finished my makeup quickly and walked into my room to see a outfit layed out on the bed for me. I giggled and turned to Nubbins.

"You picked out an outfit for me?"

I asked, he nodded excitedly and I smiled at him before saying

"The bra and panties aren't even from the same set"

I said in a joking tone but Nubbins pouted.

"But they're cute together"

He insisted, forcing the towel off from my body and helping me pull on the panties and bra before pushing me infront of a mirror.


He said and I giggled, of course it looked fine, it was just a plain black bra and pink panties

"Nubbins hun, you probably think everything looks good on me"

He let out an exasperated sigh.

"Well, obviously but that's not the point"

He said and I giggled again, leaning up to kiss his nose before moving over to the dress he picked out. It was a black on with bows on the straps, cute and one I hadn't gotten a chance to wear yet. I pulled it on, it fit snug over my chest but flowed just above my knees and was comfortable. As I made sure it was laying flat Nubbins was watching me with a smile. When I was done I looked up to see his glossed over eyes and big smile


I asked and his eyes snapped to my face, a light blush coming to his cheeks

"You're so fuckin' cute"

He said running over and picked me up spinning me a few times and making my laugh as he squeezing my waist where he held me.

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