Chapter 19

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"Are you sure you can handle going out in that condition?" A worried look visible on Jisoo's face, as he held Jeonghan to his car. "Yeah, I just threw up last night. I'm fine"

"Call me when you need me" Jisoo spoke, closing the door on Jeonghan's limo.

He sat down, sinking into the car seat as he sighed in defeat. He wasn't going to deny the fact that he is exhausted and feeling off the weather but for some reason, not going to Seungcheol's house to do project made him feel sad. As if it seems that he's using this project as an excuse to see Seungcheol. But knowing the man, he might postpone this meeting if he finds out Jeonghan is sick. Though he could just ask the guy if he really wanted to hang out.

Of course, Jeonghan would never have the confidence to do that. He might be friendly and social, but Seungcheol is a different case.

"Mr. Han, are you sure you're okay on leaving the house? You look quite pale" His driver spoke, eyes glancing at the mirror, eyeing Jeonghan's pale complexion and gaping mouth as if trying to catch his breath.

"I'll be fine. It's not like I'm going out to tire myself" Jeonghan paused, straightening himself. "I'll just be at Seungcheol's house doing school project" He smiled to himself.

The thought of visiting Seungcheol filled Jeonghan the roller coaster of feelings. He was excited, but terrified and also very nervous.

"Seungcheol? Choi Seungcheol?" The driver repeated, making Jeonghan feel a little wary. "Yes, the Choi Seungcheol" He replied.

"You're going to visit the Choi Mansion, Mr. Han?" The driver asked, emphasizing the name of the mansion, eyes directed towards Jeonghan's reflection.

"It'll be fine" Without asking anymore questions, Jeonghan knew why his driver reacted that way. If you ask anyone, they know that there's quite a feud between the families in competition to the title of being the richest family. Although, it is just a one sided since the Yoons doesn't really care of the title, yet the Chois sees them as competition.

It shocks Jeonghan that someone so kind like Seungcheol comes from a wack family. But he'll never say that out loud.

Still, despite Seungcheol's kindness, he is fully aware that the rest of the family will think differently. Jeonghan visiting the Choi Mansion is basically a cute little bunny entering a cave pack of wolves.


Seungcheol pased around as he waited outside the door of the mansion. Besides his friends, Jeonghan will be one of the first of his schoolmates to visit him in his house.

He never really invited anyone over. Other than the fact that his family are pretty much prejudiced over anyone and that a lot of other people just wants to create a big fuss that they visited the mysterious Choi Manor, he is also afraid of what other's might think of the-- uniqueness of their family house.

Right now, he is afraid of what Jeonghan might think of his environment. He knows that the pretty blonde will come to understand the surroundings since Jeonghan also grew up in a similar environment. Even so, the Choi does not have a good impression towards commoners, and especially the Yoons due to the competition between family titles.

He was fortunate that his entire family is just full of busy people who had their own businesses to attend to. No one will bother Jeonghan being the heir of the Yoons inside the Choi Manor. Though a certain someone worries him.

"Young sir, your visitor has arrived" A deep, raspy voice of an old man startled Seungcheol, as he turned to the east gate where they usually receieve outsiders. While relatives usually enters through the west gate.

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