Chapter 14

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This chapter is the last chance to vote for Hotdog to be a girl or boy


Previously on The Hidden Spider

Bucky's Pov

Once Carter is in bed, Peter and I clean up the kitchen before we go to bed.

"Goodnight. I love you". says Peter

"Goodnight. I love you too". I say

We fall asleep.


(26 weeks pregnant)

Peter's Pov

Hotdog is officially 26 weeks along and is growing stronger every day. Hotdog is the size of a scallion, is 13.84 inches, and weighs about 2.01 pounds. Bucky and I have chosen for our next appointment that we will find out if Hotdog is a boy or a girl. We are hoping for a girl to love on and give Carter a sister. My symptoms have been some painful lower-back pain along with Braxton Hicks which is normal for how far along I am. 

Carter has been doing a lot better since we took him to a children's therapist to help with the trauma from his kidnapping. The therapist says that Carter is doing well and that the whole time he was with Hydra, he knew we would come for him and it breaks my heart thinking about how my 2-year-old was probably sitting on the bed and saying Mommy and Daddy will come for me. The therapist did agree with us about moving because it can be a fresh start for us to get away from the memories here in New York. 

Speaking of moving, we have checked out houses in North Carolina, Kentucky, and Iowa and the last state we are going to check out is Kansas. The flight into Kansas wasn't bad, Carter slept the whole flight which was nice because we didn't have to worry about him too much on the flight. Once we landed and got checked into the hotel, we met the real estate agent who showed us three houses, I liked two of the houses and the location because the neighbors are about a mile away which means that we have privacy. It's about a ten-minute drive to town which isn't bad.  Getting back to the hotel, I feed Carter a snack and let him watch TV as he eats while Bucky and I talk. 

"I like Kansas a lot more than the other states and I think that it would be a good fit for our family." I say

"I think so too. So let's call the realtor and put an offer on the house." says Bucky 

I nod my head and we call and put down an offer. 

Over the next few days, as we wait to hear about the offer we put down, We have time to explore the town and spend time as a family. We took Carter to Deanna Rose Children's Farmstead and Carter loved seeing all of the different animals there and running around and playing with other kids. On the third day, we heard back that our offer was accepted and the house is ours which means going back to New York and packing the rest of our stuff and moving. But before we head back to New York, Bucky is going to paint the walls in Carter's bedroom so that by the time we get everything moved down here, the paint will be dry and we can set up Carter's room. 


Once we get back to New York, I tell Ned and MJ about how I'm moving because of the bad memories that New York holds for me from my parent's death to my aunt and uncle's death but I don't tell them about Hydra because I just want to forget that part of my life and I know Bucky does too. We just want to focus on our growing family. Both of them understand a lot better than Tony and the Avengers did when we told them about moving after we got back. The only people to understand were Steve and Natasha and they told us that they wanted to come and visit us when Hotdog is born which I told them was fine. Despite their feelings about the move, the Avengers asked if they could help us move and we agreed

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